Tag Archives: elusive peace

104- Elusive Peace

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So many of us are struggling to find peace, not only on a global scale but also at the personal level. There are countless religious and other types of frameworks that are offering us peace, but they always come with a catch. We get little doses of peace here and there, but for the most part, most of us are not able to live in a consistent experience of peace.  We’re told we need to try find peace, or get peace and two divergent paths have emerged as the way to peace: via our doing, or via or being. In this podcast and post I will show you why seeking peace via either side will end in a short-lived experience.  I will prove that we’ve gone after peace all wrong. I define peace as an integral, multidimensional Flow and you will be relieved to know that I have pinpointed it’s only location. The question is do we really want it?