Tag Archives: faith

315-11-The Faith Beyond Religion

Have you wondered why religions invalidate the faith of other religions as if there is a competition between whose god will ultimately win?”

When the world places it’s faith into a “faith system” the result is exclusionary, competitive religions which all think they have the only true belief. In today’s podcast and post we deconstruct our faith in our “faith” as we continue our study in Hebrews with a look at famous Faith Chapter.

Join me now as we discover the Ultimate Source and subject of faith which preceded world religions and is still alive, inviting all comers to participate in a restorative relationship beyond and through our frameworks of religion.

314-10-Substance and Proof

“What is your threshold of evidence or proof that something is ultimately real?

Most of our modern world would appeal to science and only trust empirical data or randomized, double blind clinical studies. In today’s podcast and post I’ll reveal why empiricism is ultimately an arbitrary assessment of reality, and we’ll consider another way which is common to all of us.

Join me now as we see beyond the visible world into all that is yet to be seen, and learn why so much of our world has a deficient definition of faith

313-9-The Main Thing is the Main Thing

“If we were to distill the entire bible down to a single message, what would it be?”

I’m sure if we asked this question to four people we’d get at least five answers. In today’s installment in our series in the book of Hebrews, we reach not only the central theme of this author, but the central theme within all of sacred text.

Join me now as we begin to scratch the surface of what it means to ensure that the main thing remains the main thing.

312-8-The Tangent Where We all go to Hell…or don’t

“Can a person truly turn away from God?  If so, what happens to them if they do?”

As we continue our series in Hebrews we turn our attention to two nestled verses which have spawned distorted theologies, and have caused divisions and confusion for thousands of years. We’ll examine why the only way to really see the truth is from outside of religion and why the author takes such care to frame the discussion.

Join me now as we see beyond our fear of apostasy, and gain a glimpse of life based upon a promise rather than a threat.

310-6-Why Rest Eludes Us

“Do you ever feel like you just can’t get a moment’s peace? Have you tried meditation or medication and still can’t find rest?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Hebrews with a look what the author calls “Rest” and the prescription for entering it. In order to understand this, we must first deconstruct, just as the author does, our religious framework which obscures and even prevents us from finding peace.

Join me now as we see beyond our surface level attempts at peace and rest and discover why they ultimately fail and why the author of our study may be on to something from which our world could truly benefit.

309-5-What’s Under Your Foot

“What does it mean to have all things in subjection to someone? How would life be different if we were to see all things as essentially perfect?

Today we reach our fifth installment of our deep dive into the book of Hebrews where the author builds a case for why Jesus could be preeminent over the audience’s religious icon, Moses. He does this not to convert any to a new religion, but to liberate all people and all things from any religious framework based in retribution unto a new faith based in restoration.

Join me now as we see beyond our so called world full of meaningless suffering and get a glimpse of an emerging world where nothing meaningless can exist.

303-Behind Unanswered Prayer

“If nearly every religion has a practice of prayer, then why do so few seem to understand what prayer is?

In today’s podcast and post I reveal how both believers and unbelievers have misunderstood prayer and as a result, suffer confusion about the purpose and function of prayer.

Join me now as we look through the portal of contemplation and discover why many so-called prayers are not actually prayers, and why it’s absolutely necessary for some prayers to never be answered at all.

268- Your Beloved Cult

“Are you under the influence of a cult?”

In today’s podcast and post we explore why no one in a cult believes they are in a cult. Then as we widen the definition of cult we will learn how in one sense, we all participate in cultish behaviors.

Join me now as we see beyond the religious cults which make all the headlines and go deeper into that thing which we believe is giving us the truth. If we gain the eyes to see, we’ll discover we are not as free as we think ourselves to be.

261-Called Out 3: Leadership and Gifts

“What is the purpose of all the different kinds of churches that are found on every street corner?”

Don’t just skim over this question. The answer is not as simple asdifferent strokes for different folks. In today’s podcast and post we’ll learn why modern churches see their mission as conversion to religionand can’t work together toward a common goal of healing our cities

Join me now as we see beyond the early church’s simple leadership into its mission of restoration, healing and liberation.

258-When Success Won’t Come

“Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work, success just doesn’t seem to come?

In today’s podcast and post we explore the world’s common definitions for success and why they are not that helpful to us. Is success just a recipe that millionaire guru’s deconstruct for us or is it something altogether different?

Join me now as I offer four questions that allow us to see beyond surface level wins and help us see the true measurement of success.