Tag Archives: Freedom from Fundamentalism

420- Rome 1- Freedom from Fundamentalism

“How well do you understand the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans? If you are like most people, the answer is; “Not too well.”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a new series examining the book of Romans. While this may seem like a daunting task, laden with layers of theological complexity, that assumption only means we have bought into fundamentalism’s propaganda.

Join me now as we rediscover Romans without two thousand years of Church history spackled on top of it. We’ll learn that this letter was intended to get “everyone” out of religion, not  lock us into one.

189- Freedom from Fundamentalism

“Do you see yourself as a fundamentalist?”

I’m willing to bet that you answered “No!” We often think fundamentalism is solely the jurisdiction of religion. While religious fundamentalism abounds in the headlines, we must look closer and see how fundamentalism oppresses everyone in every walk of life.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is a message to people who were oppressed and thought the world was too far gone and needed some other kind of external intervention. Join me now as we see beyond our own inner fundy and explore an unconventional and unpopular way of liberating us all from the tyranny of fundamentalism.