Tag Archives: freedom

366-The Unforgiving Servant

“Do we really want forgiveness if it means we have to forgive others?”

Today we continue our series of Seeing Beyond the Parables with a look at the Unforgiving Servant. Our lives are completely infused with harsh, critical judgments on just about everything around us. We will examine why this appears to be an unchangeable reality.

Join me now as we discover the way out of our objective prison of condemnation, and discover the principle to which many pay lip service, but few can actually apply.

356- FREE

“Do you believe freedom is obtainable?” That’s a loaded question.

In today’s podcast, post, and video I will explore how freedom comes to us incrementally as we uncover the many layers of captivity which plague our lives. This means we are always chasing some new elusive form of freedom.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our myopia and illusions about freedom in this life, and explore how ultimate freedom, which we can access now, will ultimately require our death.


“Do you think you know yourself? Most of us do. So, imagine our shock to discover we are all living in self-deceit.

In today’s podcast, post, and video I explore how the entire world has become deceived. I’ll reveal how every problem is a truth problem and how our need for validation traps us in a surface level existence, which promises freedom but never delivers.

Join me now as we probe our own self-deception and I point us to the deconstruction project which leads us to authenticity in the Truth.


“Is there really such a thing as a peaceful protest? Do you really think the government cares about our feelings?

In today’s post, podcast and video, I will deconstruct what is truly behind our protests, and expose the gravitational force which pulls us into political binaries. Politics is like a spinning carnival ride which forces a pledge of allegiance to the shadowy operator pushing the buttons.

Join me now as we see beyond our protests and expose the path of peace which remains largely unbelieved.


“Is there more to life than making it to the top?” If so, why do we endlessly pursue success, fame, or power?”

In today’s post, podcast and video, we explore the common course of life and why it traps us on a “rat wheel” of effort without any lasting satisfaction. I’ll prove why climbing may give us what we think we want, but never what we trulywant.

Join me now as we see beyond everything, and consider the diligent, counter-intuitive lifestyle of descending and how it paves the way to a free world.


“Is distraction a bad thing and focus a good thing? What can we discover when we see beyond them?

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how the most focused person may actually be in a feedback loop of distraction. I’ll explain how possessing the right focus may seem counterintuitive to all we’ve learned.

Join me now as we see beyond our distractions by asking the right kind of questions. This opens up a new way of seeing, living, and being, which is no longer distracted

340-Famous Last Words 14-I have overcome the World

What did Jesus mean when he said “I have overcome the world.”?

Today we conclude our series entitled “Famous Last Words” with a look at Jesus last bit of advice prior to his final prayer for his disciples. We can all identify so easily with his statement that we would have trouble in this world, so why can’t we agree on what it means to overcome the world?

Join me now as Jesus offers the most liberating advice to all who will hear it and learn why his path to peace is the very opposite of religion.

333-Famous Last Words 8-The Ruler of this World is Coming

Who is the Ruler of this World?”

Did your mind go to a political figure? Or did it go deeper? Have you grown up believing that all the corruption and evil in the world prove that it belongs to Satan? In today’s podcast and post, our series reveals that was not what Jesus meant.

Join me now as we walk with Jesus and his disciples  to the Garden and listen in to these famous last words where we will see beyond everything and discover just whose world this actually is.

327-Famous Last Words 3- Love One Another

What do you think it means to love others?”

Not only do all world religions share in common some version of the “Golden Rule,” but in every strata of human existence, there is agreement that loving others is the morally superior posture to which humanity must strive. In Today’s podcast and post we continue our look at Jesus’ last words where his disciples were admonished to love one another.

Join me now as we see beyond the world’s agreement that we should love one another, and discover that the reason we don’t, is that we can’t.

325-Famous Last Words 1- No Ticky No Washy

Have you ever had your shoes shined at the airport? The experience bumps up against the transcendent if you are self-aware

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series called Famous Last Words where we explore the last bits of advice that Jesus gave his disciples right before he was crucified. Though we’ve heard these stories many times, this series will endeavor to illuminate a new perspective that will transport us back into the upper room.

Join me now as we see beyond our religious and political propaganda and regain a sense of what was really said be for Jesus was killed by the institutions of Religion and State.