Tag Archives: gospel

340-Famous Last Words 14-I have overcome the World

What did Jesus mean when he said “I have overcome the world.”?

Today we conclude our series entitled “Famous Last Words” with a look at Jesus last bit of advice prior to his final prayer for his disciples. We can all identify so easily with his statement that we would have trouble in this world, so why can’t we agree on what it means to overcome the world?

Join me now as Jesus offers the most liberating advice to all who will hear it and learn why his path to peace is the very opposite of religion.

339-Famous Last Words 13: Your Advantage that I go

“Do people really believe they are better off with Jesus having left the world?

Modern faith systems are always talking about how they want Jesus to come back and to judge the world, and exact vengeance on those who don’t believe. In today’s podcast and post we explore Jesus’ clear message to his disciples that it was to their advantage that he goes away.

Join me now as we see beyond our tribal beliefs and rediscover what it means that the Holy Spirit has been sent to convict Religion and State regarding Sin, Righteousness and Judgement. Turns out, we all have a job to do.

336-Famous Last Words 11- You are NOT of the World

“What does it mean to be “…not of the world?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series exploring Jesus’ famous last words with a look at his statement that we are “not of the world.” Did Jesus mean we are from another planet or dimension, or is his point a bit more down to earth?

Join me now as we reveal why being over-identified with the many institutions of life is so destructive to humanity and results in the loss of our true self. Come and see beyond everything and learn why the easy solution is something most people are unlikely to consider.

334-Famous Last Words 9- I am The True Vine

“How important is it to you to keep your smartphone charged and connected? What happens to the grapes on a vine when the branch is separated from the source of life?

In today’s podcast and post I’ll use two metaphors to highlight some powerful advice that Jesus gave to his disciples right before he was crucified.

Join me now as we discover what it means for a vine to be true, authentic, or genuine, and what that means for us when we are connected to it.

333-Famous Last Words 8-The Ruler of this World is Coming

Who is the Ruler of this World?”

Did your mind go to a political figure? Or did it go deeper? Have you grown up believing that all the corruption and evil in the world prove that it belongs to Satan? In today’s podcast and post, our series reveals that was not what Jesus meant.

Join me now as we walk with Jesus and his disciples  to the Garden and listen in to these famous last words where we will see beyond everything and discover just whose world this actually is.

331-Famous Last Words 6- Greater Works than these…

Many of us have heard Jesus’ promise that we would do greater works than he did, or that he would give us anything if we asked for it in his name. The question for us today is: Why do so few of us believe it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Jesus’ Famous Last Words and his promise that “You shall do greater works than these…” You’ll learn the four most common ways people interpret this promise.

Join me now as we discover why all of us approach this promise like his disciples did… in uncertainty, confusion, and unbelief.

329-Famous Last Words 5 -I am the Way Truth and Life

How do you understand Jesus statement: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by me.”?

In today’s podcast and post we examine one of the most quoted passages in the bible and reveal how Church history has got this wrong. Imagine our surprise to discover that Jesus’ claim of exclusivity is not unto the Christian religion.

Join me now as we continue our exploration of Jesus’ famous last words, as these open a portal to a dimension of seeing and understanding which brings all things together instead of dividing them into tribal religion.

325-Famous Last Words 1- No Ticky No Washy

Have you ever had your shoes shined at the airport? The experience bumps up against the transcendent if you are self-aware

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series called Famous Last Words where we explore the last bits of advice that Jesus gave his disciples right before he was crucified. Though we’ve heard these stories many times, this series will endeavor to illuminate a new perspective that will transport us back into the upper room.

Join me now as we see beyond our religious and political propaganda and regain a sense of what was really said be for Jesus was killed by the institutions of Religion and State.

323-The Advent for Hypocrites

What does the Advent or Christmas have to do with self-deception?”

In this final Advent post on Christmas Eve, I want to peel off a thick layer of confusion or misunderstanding about the Advent, which religion has used to divide our world into sinners and saints. Be warned. Anyone who is unwilling or unable to see their own hypocrisy, will certainly reject this aspect of the Advent.

Join me now as we learn to see the Advent which lives beyond everything and why it is an undeniable, unescapable invitation into the freedom of authenticity, and why so many of us prefer to live a lie.

322-The Advent from Samaria

What do you know about Samaria? How did such a city come to believe Jesus was the savior of the world?”

In today’s podcast and post we camp for another day in the story of the Samaritan woman. This time, I will dive into biblical history so that we can all see the message which lies hidden in with the plain sight of racial and religious tension.

Join me now as I reveal how Samaria is alive and well in our modern world and how it provides a path to peace which doesn’t require conversion to nor abandonment of any religion.