Tag Archives: Jesus

484-Inevitable Terrible Traps: part 2

“Does it really make a difference if the Bible isn’t interpreted correctly? When a passage doesn’t make sense, or seems impossible, how many people just move on from it as if it doesn’t really matter?

In today’s podcast and post I will offer an interpretation that I hope will help you, and that will free you from having this verse misused against you. 

Join me now as class is in session, and we follow Christ into one of his most controversial conversations, and do our best to hear his teaching again…for the very first time.

Seeing and Not Seeing


“Do you think your religious belief is the only one that is true?”

 The healing of the man born blind is not really about physical healing, but the miracle of sight, particularly spiritual seeing. Truth, light, and seeing are metaphors to access something well beyond the story.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond everything as we unearth a larger picture that is so uncomfortable that most religious people will simply reject it.

When others don’t SEE you.


Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by people who don’t really know who you are?”

In today’s broadcast and post we look at the familiar story of Jesus healing the son of a high-ranking state official. Once we look between the lines of scripture we begin to see Jesus in a new light which reflects back to us something about our own heart.

Join me now as we see beyond the second miracle into the lonely inner experience of exile, where we are known only by what we can do for others and not who we really are.

The Catering Gap



“Does Jesus really care about a catering mistake?”

 In todays broadcast and post we begin looking at the miracles of Jesus through the broader lens of subversion that we have explored over the last several weeks. In his first recorded miracle, Jesus turns water into wine and helps eliminate the embarrassment and cost to the wedding party who failed to provide enough wine for the festivities.

Is this miracle really a clean up job for a catering mistake? Or is there something more? Join me now as we learn to see beyond the Sunday School story line into a something so big, its almost impossible to believe.

101- part 2, The CHRIST Jesus


What I’m sharing today is not new, but is likely something of which you have not heard. In today’s post and Podcast I contrast the narrow view of the ruined Jesus from last week with the cosmic view of Christ. I believe a truncated Christology has ruined Jesus and turned Christianity into an alternative religion which was never the goal of its founder. The cosmic Christ is throughout scripture and world history and has many names, one of which is Jesus. The implications of this can and will change everything.

98-Beware the Leaven…


Jesus told his disciples to “Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees and the Leaven of Herod.”  His disciples had no clue what he was talking about, and likewise many of us don’t either. In this podcast and post I will show you that the pharisee is not just an historical Jewish figure, nor is a pharisee limited to religious people. Just as yeast gives rise to bread, we are warned by Jesus to watch out for that which gives rise to Church and State. There is a watershed disposition of the mind that creates these superpowers that oppress and imprison. I will show it to you and reveal a simple hack that will enable us to work and live within the system, without being controlled or defined by them.