Tag Archives: liberation

404-4-The Bind and Loose Blueprint

“What did Jesus mean when he said he would give Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven? Why do we have so many pastors, priests, and religious leaders who hold so strongly to institutional authority?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining the church Jesus said he would build and comparing it to the business of modern religion. 

Join me now as we discover that the authority of Jesus true church is not from institutional power or religion, but by Christ himself and it is given to all those in faith just as it was to Peter.

403-3-Non Prevailing Gates

“What did Jesus mean when he said “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against his Church?”

Today we continue our series where we are deconstructing Church history and comparing it to Jesus’ blueprint for the Church. The contrast between the design and what we have today should cause believers to really question where they are placing their faith, but as you’ll see, the religious mind places tradition over liberation.

Join me now as we consider the implications upon our culture that have resulted from the church becoming institutionalized and losing its way.

389: 4- Hell as Other and Away

“Have you noticed those who are most certain that “other” people are going to Hell, are the religious types who seek to get away from everybody else?”

In today’s podcast and post, I add more layers to this biblical exploration of Hell and reveal that Hell is not really about punishing the naughty.

Join me now as I show you the two biggest examples that a person need not die in order to live in Hell.

388: 3-The Hell of Religion

“Does each religion have its own god? Is one religion better than another? Which God can beat up all the other gods?”

These questions are common in the minds of those who do not know the Bible. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series by examining the assumptions about Hell which fuel our competitive religions.

Join me now as we see beyond the claims that picking the right religion is the only way to God, and discover the only thing that has ever allowed any human to know anything about their Maker, and why religion hates it so much.

387- Part 2-The Hell we Don’t See

“Who gave you your definition of Hell? If it came from Institutional Religion, then it’s likely very different than the teachings of the bible.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series as I reveal how Church history, fiction and Hollywood have created a version of Hell that is irresistible to economies of religion. By displacing Hell solely to another dimension after we die, Hell’s captivity keeps expanding through invisibility.

Join me now as I reveal the Hell Jesus taught about, and how that helps us see how our modern assumptions about Hell, are the most common forms of captivity in it.

385-Part 1- Obsessed with Hell

“Are you or someone you know obsessed with Hell? The truth might surprise you.

In today’s podcast and post I introduce a new series on Hell which will extract it from religious and cultural frameworks and will allow us to see just how obsessed with Hell we actually are.

Join me now as we see beyond the mythological and follow the stream back to the headwaters of a universal influence of which we just won’t let go.

379- One Hundred Twenty Seventh

“Do you feel like our world is heading in the right direction? 

This is not merely a political question. It’s much bigger. In today’s podcast and post, I will continue in our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 127th Psalm. All of human history has ideas about how our cities and countries should be governed.

Join me now as we compare the trajectory of this simple Psalm to the trajectory of the modern world and test if there is any part of us which is able to see beyond everything.

377-Donkey King

“What’s the point of Palm Sunday? Churches refer to this event as the triumphal entry, but what was so triumphant, since the powers of religion and State were clearly going to crucify him?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the prophesy of Zechariah and how Jesus willfully fulfilled it as he went straight into Jerusalem to “poke the bear”.

Join me now to explore how this display of power should have been the end of religion as we know it. Come and see how humility and sacrificial love are the most subversive powers the world has ever known.

364-Questions for Spiritual Renewal

“Do you have sense like you need to get your life on track spiritually? Is it possible to have spiritual renewal without getting sucked into a religion, a cult, or become weird?”

In today’s podcast and post I am going to unpack five questions that will help you understand how you can find spiritual renewal within the privacy of your own soul and how to navigate a world of competing religions and truth claims.

Join me now as we see beyond the religious containers and all their propaganda, and discover how to extract the contents by following the same voice which has called all people, in all times, and in countless ways.

356- FREE

“Do you believe freedom is obtainable?” That’s a loaded question.

In today’s podcast, post, and video I will explore how freedom comes to us incrementally as we uncover the many layers of captivity which plague our lives. This means we are always chasing some new elusive form of freedom.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our myopia and illusions about freedom in this life, and explore how ultimate freedom, which we can access now, will ultimately require our death.