Tag Archives: liberation

5-Subverting the Family


Does subverting the Family seem like a bad thing?

Subversion literally means to “turn from beneath”or to undermine authority.  Subversion is a transfer of power that doesn’t come by might, but by anotherkindof power.

In this weeks broadcast I explain how the Gospel of the Kingdom is a subversive exchange of power. We’ll look at how Jesus subverts his own family in order to rise up and embody the larger and more inclusive family of God.

We’ll also examine how the institution of family imprisons us if we leave the family at the wrong time or in the wrong way or fail to leave at all. The institution of the family has been idolized and as a result we behave in horrible ways or suffer with tremendous guilt all in the name of family.

Join me now as we explore how the Gospel subverts the institution of the family as we learn to see beyond everything.

120-Dormant Potential


We can all imagine the world a little bit better than it is. When it comes to work, we can imagine it a lot better than it is. Did you know there is a watershed principle that radically determines what kind of company we are employed by? It’s called by many names but boils down to either being a “People first” company or “Something other than people first” company. The bible calls these two diverging perspectives the Kingdom and the world. But its not a matter of whether you boss or owners or shareholders will make a change. In this podcast and post I prove that we bring the change to each and every moment and collectively we either oppress ourselves or liberate ourselves. It’s up to us. What will you bring to work this week?

97- Orbits and Molting


In this podcast and post I will use two metaphors to illuminate spiritual reality. The orbit of our planets move in and out of proximity to our sun based upon speed and distance. In like manner our spiritual orbits all vary and all of us need to fine tune this orbit if life is to thrive and we are to avoid freezing or scorching. Secondarily, molting represents the necessary outgrowing of our external formative container. We know we are ready to molt when we can imagine the world better than it is. We all experience a gravity (Pull) or a compulsion to expand (Push). I will show you how to access this benevolent force that pulls and pushes us into a way better life.

83- Liberation despite Sin


Easter is the time where the Jesus-O-Meter is pegged into the red zone. Pastors focus on the historical aspects of Jesus story in order to elevate substitutionary atonement. We’re told that if we believe, we will be free from our sin. Yet our sins remain. Is it possible that the church has made Easter about the means and not about its purpose? In this podcast and post I will show that the real purpose of Easter is not to remove sin, but to liberate us from the countless systems that imprison us despite our sin.

82- The Three-Sided Cage


A dog crate with no door defeats the point of the crate because a dog seeking freedom simply walks away. In this podcast and post I will utilize a metaphor of a three-sided prison to help illustrate the tragic state of so many of us. Why don’t we walk out into the freedom we really want? Why is the prison we know preferred to the freedom for which we long? Once we gain the eyes to see the only thing left is to follow the voice that leads us out into the exile of freedom.


44- Go Your Way!


Healing always means liberation. You may have heard the parable of the ten lepers, but if you think it is about gratitude then you are missing much of the story. In this post I uncover how this story vividly shows us that changing our circumstances may not really put an end to our oppression and suffering. In fact it may just be replacing our oppression and suffering with a different kind. To truly live free, we must find the middle way just as the subject in our story.