Tag Archives: Psalms greatest hits

213-The Fourteenth and Fifty-Third

“What does the fool say in his or her heart?”

The fourteenth and the fifty-third Psalms are very similar copies of each other. Both begin with a searing statement that “A Fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God!’”.These verses have been used to bludgeon Atheists, other religions, and even fellow believers. Is that really the intent of this Psalm? 

In today’s podcast and post we continue in our fourth installment of the Psalms greatest hits where we visit the fourteenth and fifty-third Psalms. Join me now as we see beyond our name calling and uncover the profound depth and beauty of what it means to be a FOOL.

203- The Thirteenth

“How many of your prayers have gone unanswered?

Let’s face, nothing causes more unbelief than someone who “tries” prayer in hopes of changing their reality only to have their hopes dashed to pieces. How many of us have prayed; “How long Oh Lord? Will you forsake me forever?” Sometimes it feels this way, but today’s Psalm takes points to a dramatic change in heart and a restoration of ones’ faith. Is there something just beyond our doubts that replaces reality as it is for us with reality as it is?

Join me now as we continue in the third installment of the Pslams greatest hits where we visit the thirteenth Psalm. These feeligns of “being forgotten”can grow our soul and enables us to peek within the deepest part of our being as we learn to see beyond everything.

193- The Eighth

“When you consider the scale of the universe, do you feel small? There is a reason for that.”

Sci-Fi movies emerged out of our shared desire to explore the vastness of space. Contemplating the universe can leave us feeling small, insignificant and often leaves us with unanswered questions which feel more like burdens. 

Join me now as we continue in the second installment of the Pslams greatest hits where we visit the eighth Psalm. These times of “reflection”can grow our soul as we peek within the deepest part of our being. May this series allow us all to see beyond everything.

183- The First…

“Is your soul in need of some care?”

If we never attended to the hair on our heads, over time we would possess a giant mess of disorganization that could become harmful to our health and well-being. Our soul (psuché/ true inner self) functions in a similar manner. We must tend to it, or comb it through if we are to bring order out from internal chaos.

Join me now as we begin a series that will be interlaced over time (not all at once) as we examine the Pslams greatest hits. This time of “combing” will serve us by bringing order out of the chaos that emerges within the deepest part of our being. May this series allow us to see beyond everything.