Tag Archives: Psalms greatest hits

320- The Eighty-Fourth

What does it mean to spend a day in the courts of the Lord?”

Today we continue or ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with an exploration of the 84th Psalm. This famous little song has been used in modern worship pieces because it draws us into a value proposition and an evaluation of our own priorities.

Join me now as we explore the Psalm, not of David, but of the sons of Korah, and how that back story allows a richer experience and contemplation for all who can perceive this inner longing and sense of despair.

308-4-The Twenty Second

“What are the two signs that a person is stuck in a religious mind? Apathy or Offense.

In today’s podcast and post we will observe the convergence of two ongoing series, that of Hebrews and that of the Psalms. By bringing these two together, just as the author of Hebrews does, we gain a portal through which we can see the limitations of the religious mind, and why the author pulls from his own Hebrew scripture to make his point.

Join me now as we explore the religious mind found in the skeptic and the devout, and learn why being “all in” or “all out” both rob humanity of our ability to see the bigger story and our need to deconstruct everything that isn’t it.

297-The Ninety-First

“Where is the Dwelling place of God? Is there really such a thing?”

In today’s podcast and post we rejoin our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the Ninety-First Psalm. This Psalm is attributed to Moses at the completion of the tabernacle. Many people don’t realize this is one of the most quoted Psalms of them all.

Join me now as this Psalm invites all comers to see beyond the curtain and contemplate what or where “The Dwelling Place of God” actually is.

285-The Eighteenth

“Have you ever felt like those who are supposed to be leading you are not qualified or worthy to do so?

I know in our political environment that is a loaded question with an obvious answer. In today’s podcast and post we continue our ongoing series of Psalms greatest hits as we shrink down this very real, and very common point of existential pain as we look closer at what it means to trust that which is beyond ourselves.

Join me now as we look at the Eighteenth Psalm and discover that the heart of true leadership is trusting and waiting for opportunity to serve, not complaining, back biting, and hating what has already been established.

277-The Fortieth

“Some people talk about God, others talk about the “universe” or some vague energy field, are they really saying the same thing?

In today’s podcast and post we rejoin our ongoing series of Psalms greatest hits with a look at the fortieth Psalm.  David shares his heart and experience with The Living God, and reveals a kind of intimacy and self-knowledge that requires a “mind” and will beyond just an energetic field.

Join me now as we see beyond our pseudo spirituality as David reveals unapologetically what it’s like to know and be known by the Elohim, the Living God.

265-The Forty Third

“Do you know what it means to possess a “downcast soul?”

In today’s podcast and post we pause and return to our ongoing series exploring Psalms’ Greatest Hits with a look at the Forty-Third Psalm. What does it mean to have a downcast soul? What can we learn about inner turmoil?

Join me now as we see beyond our surface level disappointment and touch the depth of true suffering. Perhaps we will discover that there is no such thing as meaningless suffering in our world.

255-The Thirty-Ninth

“What happens if we turn social justice inward?”

In today’s post and podcast we continue our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with an exploration of the thirty-ninth Psalm. Everybody is desperate for change right now. The political machine has whirled everyone into a frenzy of battling for one side, one ideology, or one outcome.

Join me know as we follow David from this same point of desperation along his path inward where he discovers something so much greater than winning, where he gains true sight and the ability to see beyond everything into our real battle.

245-The Thirty-Sixth

“How conscious are you of your own wickedness?”

I know that’s an uncomfortable question. In fact it’s the type of question that causes a subtle, but devious internal reaction within us whereby we avoid answering. It’s far easier to point the finger at those more wicked than our self.

In today’s podcast and post we pause our other topics to pick up our more introspective series on Psalms Greatest Hits. The Thirty-Sixth Psalm begins a row of soul scouring reflections. Join me now as we see beyond our rejection of morality into that which is trying to find us within our most lost condition.

235- The Nineteenth

“With all the bad news surrounding us, do you feel like you need to be revived?

Today we return to our ongoing series, Psalms Greatest Hits, with a deeper look at the nineteenth Psalm. As we look over our world and see how it is fatiguing under the weight of the pandemic and its requirements to stay isolated, we can see how there isn’t a lot within us which sustains us and revives us. We are not used to being this awake.

In today’s podcast and post, we sit alongside of David as he finds a secluded spot out in nature. As we do, we discover exactly what is needed to “Revive the Soul”. Join me now as we see beyond nature and get a glimpse of true beauty.

223- The Fifteenth

“According to religion, who gets access to God?”

This is an interesting question which exposes our preconceived ideas about proximity, worthiness, and morality. In today’s podcast and post we continue or ongoing series of the Psalm’s Greatest Hits as we consider the Fifteenth Psalm.

Join me now as we take some cleansing breaths and reflect upon the words of David and how they trigger us. We will look between the lines of the pages and see beyond everything into the motivation of love and how it changes all things.