Tag Archives: Why the end didn’t come

106- Why the End DIDN’T Come.


September 24th was supposed to be the end of the world. Of course it wasn’t, but nonetheless, doomsday preachers continue to parade across our lives and there seems to be no end in sight. In this podcast and post I will begin a series where we take a look at eschatology (end times). Are we heading toward Armageddon? Are we really to interpret Bible prophecy in light of the evening news? Are we nearing a time when Jesus will “Rapture” all those with a chrome fish on their car? It might surprise you to learn that the Bible doesn’t have a cryptic message about the end of the world that only a few doomsday preachers can understand. This series will lay bare the reason why we want to believe so badly that it all ends in fire. It’s time we expose our pre-rational, (tribal) beliefs and explore the profoundly positive eschatology that has been believed up until the last 100 years or so.