Tag Archives: being


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“What is healing? Is it merely a biological process?”

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how healing is so much more than we commonly think and why so many people live in a chronic state of pain, confusion, and disintegration.

Join me now as we see beyond healing our bodies and see why healing comprises a holistic integration between our bodies and the center of our being or self.

5- Living, Moving and Being


“What does it mean to have our BEING in God?”

In some ways our world is not unlike the Ancient world of Athens. Paul’s sermon opens up the “God Conversation” to a theology that had tremendous liberating power. Surprisingly, it doesn’t come with a contest of who has the bigger God, in fact it doesn’t come from a religious framework at all.

Join me now as we look deeper at Paul’s theology of living, moving and being as it enables us to see beyond everything.

118-Why Un-Coaching?


Our world is full of Life-Coaches. This is an amazing time when access to information is soon to reach the entire globe. Information is shared in a global platform and has allowed online coaching to blossom within every area of human interest or need. Content is everything when it comes to coaching, and in a global information age, most content is homogenized. Thus coaching is really about accessing that 1 -2 % of nuanced, novel content. Even still, there is a big problem. Why doesn’t this amazing content transform more lives? In this podcast and post, I will expose the false claim that our DOING creates our BEING and how that cripples personal transformation. As an UN-COACH, I will explain the paradox of Big Truth and prove that it is our BEING that creates our DOING, and that changes everything.

104- Elusive Peace


So many of us are struggling to find peace, not only on a global scale but also at the personal level. There are countless religious and other types of frameworks that are offering us peace, but they always come with a catch. We get little doses of peace here and there, but for the most part, most of us are not able to live in a consistent experience of peace.  We’re told we need to try find peace, or get peace and two divergent paths have emerged as the way to peace: via our doing, or via or being. In this podcast and post I will show you why seeking peace via either side will end in a short-lived experience.  I will prove that we’ve gone after peace all wrong. I define peace as an integral, multidimensional Flow and you will be relieved to know that I have pinpointed it’s only location. The question is do we really want it?