Tag Archives: easter

427- Rome 7: Easter’s 25th Anniversary

“Do you know anything about Easter’s 25th Anniversary? It’s ok if you don’t.

In today’s podcast and post we reconstruct the historical context of Paul visiting Rome twenty-five years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Roman church is nothing like churches today, and the attraction of Easter wasn’t candy or bunnies, it was violence and incarceration. 

Join me now as we strip away the floof and fizzle of our modern Easter Evangelical Extravaganzas, and stare directly into the message that made the religious mind so angry that it would cost Paul his own head.

378-Easter is NOT a Holiday

“Is Easter just another religious holiday? I believe there is a lot more to it.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our three-week Easter series with what some might call a radical view of Easter. It just might be that religious tradition has entombed Easter into a tiny little framework.

Join me now as I invite you to see beyond the holiday traditions and capture a glimpse of the REAL Easter, that is closer than we have ever considered.

377-Donkey King

“What’s the point of Palm Sunday? Churches refer to this event as the triumphal entry, but what was so triumphant, since the powers of religion and State were clearly going to crucify him?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the prophesy of Zechariah and how Jesus willfully fulfilled it as he went straight into Jerusalem to “poke the bear”.

Join me now to explore how this display of power should have been the end of religion as we know it. Come and see how humility and sacrificial love are the most subversive powers the world has ever known.

375-Between Thieves

“What would say are the most common ways that people struggle in life? Is it economically, emotionally, or socially?

In today’s podcast and post, we begin our countdown to Easter with an examination of two thieves which rob us of our ability to see reality clearly, and which causes so much suffering.

Join me now as the thieves on the cross reveal the world’s competing systems of avoidance and resentment, and help us to see a third option, hanging right in the midst of them. 

338-The Easter Experience

“What is Easter all about? Culturally it’s a huge religious holiday, but is that the real Easter Experience?

In today’s podcast and post we pause from our series to unpack the Easter experience. As usual, this podcast is going to take us in a completely different direction from everything else going on this morning.

Join me now, if you can, to be still, quiet and not clinging to anything, and you will see beyond everything, beyond the distraction and noise, and array of thoughts and emotions. Perhaps if you do, you may have a genuine Easter experience.

284-Part 6-The Death of Sin

“Have you ever felt as though you had two distinct parts: the good part and the bad part?

Realizing that all humanity shares both an amazing capacity for goodness as well as evil is not only a vital key of self-awareness and the means which allows us to treat other with more grace, but it is the unknown Easter story.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series on sin by placing a verse in Revelations under the microscope. Not only will we see the pathogen of sin for what it is, but we discover that religion has withheld the best part of the story.

234- FREEaster

“How can a Middle Eastern man from two-thousand years ago make us free?”

It’s Easter Sunday and all over the world, people’s personal freedoms have been stifled due to the pandemic. This allows us to see two very different views on freedom which permeate every aspect of our lives. In today’s podcast and post we will look beyond the pandemic at these two worldviews through the lens of the Easter story.

Join me now as we see beyond the two thieves (belief and unbelief) and discover how the Easter story offers a third perspective which bring lasting freedom.

233- What’s so Good about This Friday?

“With the world turned upside down, what is so Good about this Friday?”

Throughout the world, Christians are trying to celebrate Holy Week in unconventional ways due to the global pandemic. With all the bad news that is happening around us, you may have wondered where God is in all of this. If so, you are not alone. Many are asking: if there is an all-powerful God, why hasn’t he/she done anything?

In today’s podcast and post, I will answer this pressing question in a way that will allow all comers to see God’s work as easily as they see their own hand. Join me now as we see beyond the suffering of the world and get a solid reason why today is called Good Friday.

Lockdown Exposes What’s Real This Easter

“Do you really want things to go back to how they were? I don’t.”

I told you last week, we’d be in this for a while and now the novelty is wearing off. So many memes and GIF’s circulating about how we are getting on each other’s nerves. While good for a laugh, the underlying truth must be exposed. In today’s podcast and post I will prove that the lockdown is not creating relationship problems, it is exposing them.

Join me now as we take a sobering look beyond the issues at home and into our communities of faith. This Palm Sunday, let’s hope the real Easter emerges from the inside out. If it does, the world won’t have to go back to how it was.

180- The Sunrise of Your Life

The Sunrise of Your Life

“What has Easter become for you?”

Is Easter just another holiday that has been stripped of its meaning? Is it a sacred day of the year where we must pay special attention and make a bit more effort toward our spiritual walk? What if both of these extremes miss the point?

In today’s podcast and post we pull back and reframe Easter in a way that allows all comers to access it’s beauty and transforming power. Join me now as we see beyond the conversion to a religion, and into an inner awakening to the Sunrise of our life.