458-Rome 32: Applying Paul’s Letter

“When Paul wrote his letters to Churches, was he trying to write the Bible? If Paul’s words are authoritative now, then are so many churches still preaching conversion to religion?

In today’s final episode of our series in the book of Romans, we take all we’ve learned from Paul’s Gospel and deconstruction of his religion, and apply it to our modern world where church has become big business.

Join me now as I invite all comers out of institutional overreach, and return to a simple model of Christ following, and loving one another, for which our world is waiting.

457-Rome 31: Freedom or Non Faith

“What is your definition of sin? Is sin all the bad things we do, or the good things we don’t do?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans as Paul uses his instruction about not judging others and accommodating those who are weak in faith to open up a life-hack that redraws the boundaries of our freedom and our sin.

Join me now as we discover a freedom and way to live which very few of us are able to comprehend.

456-Rome 30: Welcoming and Not Judging

“Why is it so hard to welcome those who are different without judging them? Why do people blame religions for being so judgmental, while being so themselves?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans, examining Paul’s admonishment to welcome and not to judge others. I our world where some are so focused on tolerance and acceptance, why don’t we see these values extended to those with whom they quarrel?

Join me now as Paul exhorts us toward a faith that not only frees us from judgment, but by extension, frees us in love from judging others, and transforms us into a welcoming people.

455-Rome 29: Love Means Wake Up and Clean Up

“If religions are always talking about love, why are they behind so many wars?”

In today’s podcast and post, we examine Paul’s clear instruction on how we are to live under the law of love rather than the many laws of religion, or the lawlessness of irreligion. 

Join me now as we see the practical way that faith can still transform the world, and the unloving reasons why it hasn’t done so just yet.

454-Rome 28: Paul’s Unacceptable Political Instruction

“Are you able to see how politics has become the world’s biggest religion, replete with temples, worship services, dogma, devout congregations, influential leaders, and a lot of money?”

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in the book of Romans where Paul provides extremely clear instruction for how Christ followers should live politically within their cities…and why almost no Church will teach it.

Join me now as Paul takes away another religion from his audience, leaving them instead with a Christological framework for how to exist in a corrupted world.

453- One Hundred Nineteen: He

“What does it mean to be taught by God?”

In today’s podcast and post we return to our series entitled Psalms Greatest Hits, with part 5 of Psalm 119: He. 

Join me now as the Psalmist discovers what true and lasting success is all about, and how it stands is distinct contrast to the success the world is chasing. Let’s explore the motivators that reside deep within us, to see if even want a life in fidelity to God, and why we usually prefer something far less satisfying.

452-Rome 27: An Alternative Way to Live

“What if World Peace was actually possible? If so, most would assume we’d need a world system to provide it. That’s precisely where we go wrong.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in Paul’s letter to Rome, where we will examine Paul’s alternative lifestyle of faith, for those who are free from the overreach of institutional power.

Join me now as we hear this instruction just as his audience heard it, and discover that a life of faith is supposed to transform the world

451-Rome 26: Cut Off and Grafted Inn

“What is the point of all of our sinning? Does God have anything to do with it? If you answered “No,” then Paul has a message for you.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, concluding Paul’s three-chapter theology clinic. We’ll discover that Paul’s doctrine is very different than that of modern Evangelicalism, leaving us with some big things to consider.

Join me now as Paul explains why God consigns everyone to a life of disobedience, and it’s not to send us to Hell.

450-Rome 25: Does God Reject People?

“Is there only one way to faith in God? That’s a loaded question, which fundamentalists from every religion are certain they alone possess. But what does the bible say?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining Paul’s message to the religious, revealing that they didn’t have the only path to God. It was a scandal then and remains one now.

Join me now as Paul uses the Hebrew scripture to reveal how God has always included all comers into his salvation plan, and how faith frees us from religion.

449-Rome 24: Faith Comes From Hearing

“The verse which say: “Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of Christ.” Is often interpreted as proof text for the necessity of sermons in church. But what if it saying something more?

In today’s podcast and post we look closely at Paul’s thesis about salvation and faith, and discover that neither are the result of religion. So what does this often quoted verse mean?

Join me now as Paul’s workflow opens up a tiny little nuance which is so easy to miss…And that’s precisely Paul’s point.