Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

467-Cranial Extraction: Advent NOT Nativity

“As we enter the Advent season, do you think the Nativity Scene best represents of the Advent of the Kingdom of God? Should churches use the Christmas season to attract more people to the Christian religion?

In today’s podcast and post I will reveal that the bible’s revelation of the Advent was an invitation out of religion, and not into it. 

Join me now as we examine how John the Baptist inaugurated a Kingdom and a message that was intended to be the end of religion, not the beginning of a new one.

466-The Thanksgiving of Jonah

“Nearly everyone has heard the story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish, but has it occurred to you how fitting this story is for Thanksgiving?

In today’s podcast and post I bring a special Thanksgiving contemplation as we look at two verses in the story of Jonah.

Join me now as Jonah helps us to see what true Thanksgiving is all about, and how we can experience it today.

465-The Architecture of Sin and Renewal

“Is there an area of personal change that you have found extremely difficult? You’re not alone.

In today’s podcast and post, I will add another layer of instruction to our last post on embodiment, with an examination of how both sin and renewal work within us.

Join me now as I prove that all problems are first truth problems and how that cascades into personal sin and evil in the world. Learn how our architecture is not broken, but designed in wisdom to allow the entire cosmos to be healed, starting with ourselves.

464-Interview: Craig DeHut of Appian Media

Today we have another guest on our podcast, Craig DeHut from Appian Media. Appian media is a unique media company that truly brings the Bible to life, by bringing the audience directly to the locations of the biblical stories.

Not only does this add a rich layer of history, archeology, and geography to the biblical narratives, but it deconstructs many of our assumptions about the Bible and reconstructs them back into the context from which they came.

Join Craig and I as we discuss this vital aspect of contextualization and why our world needs it now more than ever. You can learn more at Appian Media.


463-Embodiment and Pneuma: Ultimate Cheesecake

“We’re told that we are in a spiritual battle with our flesh, but does that mean that the goal of spirituality is to transcend our bodies? Or to become a disembodied spirit?

In today’s podcast and post, I add another layer in our discovery of the contemplative life. While it’s necessary and wise to warn people about the propensity for our flesh to lead us into evil, far too many people of faith live in fear of their flesh, and have not discovered the freedom and power of an embodied faith.

Join me now for a course which may be either the most dangerous thing I’ve ever said, or the most liberating thing you’ve ever heard.

462-Interview: James Early-The Bible Speaks To You

Today we have another interview with special guest James Early from “The Bible Speaks to You.” James and I met on #podMatch and quickly became fast friends. I invited him onto this program, not to entertain you, but to encourage you in your own journey of faith.

James and I will discuss the difference between religion and faith, and why the Bible really needs to be rescued from the grasp that fundamentalism has on it. the Bible is far more inviting and offers far more nuance than when dolled out in a transactional, dogmatic way. He shares my work in trying to help people experience the transformative process that Jesus offers everyone, and how he did so outside the framework of religion.

You can learn more at: The Bible Speaks To You , #Podmatch

461-Interview: Mark Collins-Freedom for Life

Today we have a special guest, Mark Collins from “Freedom for Life.” I just love finding people in the world who are passionate about their work and who have something profound to offer. In a world where everyone is a life-coach, or is striving for self-promotion, it’s refreshing to find the real deal, someone who has “decoded” life and offers a truly transformative solution and not mere life hacks.

Mark and I will discuss how we both came to focus our work on the subject of ontology or as Mark puts it “identity” and the conversation expands from there. I think you’ll find Marks nuggets of wisdom truly helpful and you’ll enjoy meeting another courageous soul in the world who is striving to love people into healing and well-being.

You can learn more about the work of Mark Collins at Freedom For Life .


460-The Concierge of Contemplation

“Are you ready to try something different? Can you carve out some time to be present with this content?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you a guided tour into my own contemplative practice. We’ll journey from our chair, through our breath, into our naked being whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

Join me now as I serve as your concierge of sacred space and lead you into your own contemplative experience, while I point out a few things along the way.

459- What is Contemplation?

“When you hear the term “Contemplation” what comes to your mind?  Many think its having deep thoughts, others see it as meditation, while others are skeptical because they have a negative understanding of the mystics.

In today’s podcast and post I do my best to answer the question: What is Contemplation? I’ll share the common assumptions, misconceptions, and my framework for understanding it.

Join me now as I explain the unexplainable with the hope that everyone listening will consider making it a practice in their daily life.

458-Rome 32: Applying Paul’s Letter

“When Paul wrote his letters to Churches, was he trying to write the Bible? If Paul’s words are authoritative now, then are so many churches still preaching conversion to religion?

In today’s final episode of our series in the book of Romans, we take all we’ve learned from Paul’s Gospel and deconstruction of his religion, and apply it to our modern world where church has become big business.

Join me now as I invite all comers out of institutional overreach, and return to a simple model of Christ following, and loving one another, for which our world is waiting.