Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

226- The Healing Practice-Part 1: Intro & Posture

“Is there something we can do that will bring all forms of healing into our world?”

Yes, but we probably won’t want to do it. Throughout human history, within all sectors of society, contemplative and meditative prayer practices have, and continue to me, portals through which healing has emerged within the lives of people. It has transformed ancient societies and still does to this day.

In the concluding episodes of our series on healing, I will take you as a visitor along with me as I explain the practice that I imperfectly employ within my life. I’ll share the challenges, pitfalls, and transformation from opening up to the Divine. Join me now as we see beyond religious ritual and learn how everyday people can tap into and join the flow of healing within our lives and world.

225- Healing our Finances

“Is poverty and debt a social or economic problem?”

Clearly, the answer is yes, in part. When it comes to money, most people have no clue what they are doing, and that includes most governments. In today’s podcast and post, I will share my journey from poverty and debt into financial liberation. I will show how our financial struggles are byproducts of the real problem… our thinking.

Join me now as we see beyond the common mindset about money and learn how healing and liberation is available to all of us, starting today.

224-Healing our Relationships

“Are relationships really that complicated and hard to fix? Maybe not!”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on healing as we take a deeper look at what it takes to heal relationships. It turns out that healing our relationships isn’t so hard so long as both parties adopt this one strategy. If either party lacks this vital awareness, then relationships always struggle.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our frustrated relationships into the single biggest reason why they all break down and take a closer look at why we don’t really want to fix them.

223- The Fifteenth

“According to religion, who gets access to God?”

This is an interesting question which exposes our preconceived ideas about proximity, worthiness, and morality. In today’s podcast and post we continue or ongoing series of the Psalm’s Greatest Hits as we consider the Fifteenth Psalm.

Join me now as we take some cleansing breaths and reflect upon the words of David and how they trigger us. We will look between the lines of the pages and see beyond everything into the motivation of love and how it changes all things.

222- Healing our Minds with Wisdom

“What is the secret to healing our minds? Is it therapy? Is it medication?” Think Again.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our exploration of healing and focus today on our minds. Is a healthy mind focused on our emotions, our memories, or the things we think about? I don’t think so. We’ll discover healing our minds is not about separating out the pieces but integrating them all together.

Join me now as we see beyond the fragmented problems and learn how wisdom brings all the pieces together into a whole. Healing our minds isn’t so much “what “we think, but first about “how” with think. 

221-When the Body Won’t Heal

Have you ever pleaded with God for bodily healing and your prayer went unanswered?”

Nothing produces more unbelief than unanswered prayers, especially those for bodily healing. The disposition of the heart which arises from unbelief turns us into the Veruca Salt which demands her father grant her every request immediately. 

In today’s podcast and post, I will explain why if we are asking for bodily healing, why it may not come right away. Staying in faith is not a cop-out, but the only way to gain the necessary precondition for transformative healing.

Join me now as we see beyond what we thought was the unanswered prayer.

220-Healing our Bodies through Faith

“Is it reasonable to expect healing when science has concluded that healing is not possible?

In today’s post and podcast, we go a bit deeper into our exploration of healing, by examining the role of faith in healing our bodies. Quantum science has forced the rewriting of empirical frameworks for understanding our world and moves us incrementally closer to the world depicted in sacred texts.

Join me now as I show the similarities between quantum entanglement and prayer, and take us beyond everything into their single biggest difference. That difference, may just be the reason why faith changes everything, even science.

219-Healing Our Bodies through Science

“Is the healing of our bodies limited to physical preconditions?”

In today’s post and podcast we continue our series on healing as we see our world in its desperate need of healing. People look to science as the final authority on healing our bodies, but is there more to the story? I think so.

Join me now as we see beyond the physical preconditions of healing and open up a wider perspective that will allow us to integrate our fragmented understanding into a healing that goes beyond our bodies.

218-Healing Our Demons

“Do you believe in demons? After this podcast, you might. You’ll also know what to do with them.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on healing as we look closer at the idiom of “exercising our demons.” What does this actually mean and is there anything we can do about it?

Join me now as we see beyond Ghost Hunters, and examine the real “underworld” that exists just beneath the surface of our thoughts.

217-Do You Want to be Healed?

Are you self-aware enough to recognize those areas of your life where you need healing?”

Believe it or not, most of us aren’t. The vast majority of people believe healing is limited to the physical body as it relates to injury or illness. As such, healing is almost entirely deferred to medical professionals.

In this podcast and post we begin a series where I introduce a new framework for healing. All suffering and captivity within our lives are like festering wounds that have never received the proper care.

Join me now as we see beyond our suffering and lay hold of the healing that awaits every soul who diligently seeks for the truth.