Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

109- 666: The Number of the Beast


Despite what those who have unsubscribed from my newsletter say, I am not the antichrist.  However, I am about to reveal who is. Continuing in this series, this podcast and post will examine the riddle of the number of the beast and review what the bible actually says regarding the “beast” or antichrist. If you think I’m going to warn you to watch out for microchips, barcode scanners, or a european dictator then this may be as disappointing as a Christian rock album cover from the 80’s. It turns out the most unbelievable part of the bible is really easy to believe, and not so scary. If you wish to do a deep dive, you can access my “Happy Ending: A positive eschatology” HERE.

108-Why the Tribulation is NOT coming.


We all know how the news prospers by selling us bad news. The Church has done the same thing by telling us the Great Tribulation is right around the corner. In this podcast and post I will show that the Tribulation will NOT come because it already did. I’ll do this by highlighting two vital considerations that are explicitly taught in the Bible: 1- The Tribulation is local not global and 2- The Tribulation culminated in A.D 70 with the fall of Jerusalem. This is a post you’re going to want to send to your friends and family. I invite all comers into this conversation because this alternative view will completely transform each of us, and bring about the New world. For those who would quickly dismiss this claim I invite you to review the detail sheet where you can do a deep dive. You can access it HERE.


107-What about the Rapture?


The word for Rapture is not in the Bible. If you Google “rapture” images you will see depictions of what 95% of Christians believe will happen which will usher in the end of the world and Armageddon. The idea comes from scripture, but it also comes from fictional writers, movies, and a theology that begun 150 years ago. In this post and podcast we will look at all these factors and a fresh way to understand the rapture passage in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  I will prove that pre-tribulation, pre-millennial, dispensational eschatology could not have been the theology of those who wrote the scripture. This frees us to explore other ways to understand those verses in scripture that seem to be talking about the end of the world. It turns out, the Kingdom doesn’t arrive anything like what we were taught, but it is nonetheless the beginning of an end.


106- Why the End DIDN’T Come.


September 24th was supposed to be the end of the world. Of course it wasn’t, but nonetheless, doomsday preachers continue to parade across our lives and there seems to be no end in sight. In this podcast and post I will begin a series where we take a look at eschatology (end times). Are we heading toward Armageddon? Are we really to interpret Bible prophecy in light of the evening news? Are we nearing a time when Jesus will “Rapture” all those with a chrome fish on their car? It might surprise you to learn that the Bible doesn’t have a cryptic message about the end of the world that only a few doomsday preachers can understand. This series will lay bare the reason why we want to believe so badly that it all ends in fire. It’s time we expose our pre-rational, (tribal) beliefs and explore the profoundly positive eschatology that has been believed up until the last 100 years or so.

105-Qualitatively Deeper


Last week’s post on Elusive Peace left many of you wanting. So in this week’s post and podcast I will add a few more ingredients that will help us grasp that which is qualitatively deeper. If we have given everything we have to a relationship or an endeavor and then it fails, then what is left of us? So many of our life’s problems are insurmountable because we apply a software hack to a hardware problem. Our suffering is the skimming over the depth of our lives. I will explain the difference between living quantitatively and qualitatively and how both are necessary to live in peace.

104- Elusive Peace


So many of us are struggling to find peace, not only on a global scale but also at the personal level. There are countless religious and other types of frameworks that are offering us peace, but they always come with a catch. We get little doses of peace here and there, but for the most part, most of us are not able to live in a consistent experience of peace.  We’re told we need to try find peace, or get peace and two divergent paths have emerged as the way to peace: via our doing, or via or being. In this podcast and post I will show you why seeking peace via either side will end in a short-lived experience.  I will prove that we’ve gone after peace all wrong. I define peace as an integral, multidimensional Flow and you will be relieved to know that I have pinpointed it’s only location. The question is do we really want it?

103- Driving and Consciousness


None of us can live better than we think. This is a way of framing up the great reality of how our consciousness relates to life. Consciousness is related to everyone else and so much more, but we forget about this. In this podcast and post I will use the illustration of driving to help us see the unseen reality behind consciousness. Now some religious people will view this post as not very spiritual, but I will reveal how spirituality does not go beyond this fundamental reality. Consciousness has everything to do with God and it mirrors the flow of God and I will expose the biggest adversary in all of our lives: certainty. If life is not what you want it to be, examine those areas where you are certain and become a student again.


102- The Lie that Motivates Us


We all know someone who just can’t stay happy. Some go through life thinking they would be happy if they could just……. or if it wasn’t for ……. In today’s post and podcast we will go behind the circumstances that make up our lives and explore the motivations that brought about the choices that brought about our circumstances. I will expose the most clever lie I’ve ever heard. The lie is that love obligates us to do what we don’t want to do. The reason it is so clever is because we can hardly stand in the light of what it exposes. It creates a scorecard in the back of our minds reminding us of lost freedom. Learn why our marriages, parenting, caregiving, vocations, ministries and charities are making us into the worst kind of good person. I will offer the alternative, but I warn you now, our pride will not like it.


101- part 2, The CHRIST Jesus


What I’m sharing today is not new, but is likely something of which you have not heard. In today’s post and Podcast I contrast the narrow view of the ruined Jesus from last week with the cosmic view of Christ. I believe a truncated Christology has ruined Jesus and turned Christianity into an alternative religion which was never the goal of its founder. The cosmic Christ is throughout scripture and world history and has many names, one of which is Jesus. The implications of this can and will change everything.

100-The Ruined Jesus


When someone mentions Jesus in an ordinary situation things will instantly become awkward. There is a reason for this and it may not be what you think. Jesus has been characterized in countless ways. In this 100th episode of the Kevkast and in this post I will explain why these portrayals of Jesus are too small to address the honest questions of our culture and the scope of our present reality and cosmos. A Jesus that is too vengeful, too exclusive, too far off, too unloving is actually a Jesus that is too small. A small (particular) Jesus might work for an individual, but it ruins it for everyone else.