262-Called Out 4: The Mission

“What is the mission of the Church? What is her ultimate purpose?”

If your experience is anything like mine, then you might assume that the mission of the church is to save souls from hell. You may think that making converts is her main work. In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the mission of the Church and compare what it has become to what it was when it started.

Join me now as we face the sobering judgment upon our beloved institution and see beyond conversion to religion and gain a glimpse of completion through faith.

261-Called Out 3: Leadership and Gifts

“What is the purpose of all the different kinds of churches that are found on every street corner?”

Don’t just skim over this question. The answer is not as simple asdifferent strokes for different folks. In today’s podcast and post we’ll learn why modern churches see their mission as conversion to religionand can’t work together toward a common goal of healing our cities

Join me now as we see beyond the early church’s simple leadership into its mission of restoration, healing and liberation.

260-Called Out 2: How it Began and Begins for us

“Have you ever compared the modern church to the one depicted in the Bible?

The difference is shocking. In today’s podcast and post we explore how over the centuries, the church has morphed from a community gathering into a global institutional power, complete with cradle to the grave programs, full-time staff members, and a political force of counter-cultural propaganda. Was that the goal of its Founder?

Join me now as we see beyond our jumbotrons, worship bands and fog machines, and learn how the Church started back then and how to discern the “real” thing amidst our culturally contrived institutions.

259-Called Out 1-Paid Clergy

“How would you define the Church?

Most people think the Church is a building or a place to which we go on Sunday. Those who attend become strongly identified with their denomination, distinctives, worship style, teaching, or services. Modern Churches harvest hundreds of Billions of tax free dollars from society and only a small percentage of it is spent on serving those outside its’ walls. Was this the design of its Founder? 

Join me now as we begin a new series where we see beyond the cultural model of the church and invite all comers to find the faith and courage to return to its Source. 

258-When Success Won’t Come

“Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work, success just doesn’t seem to come?

In today’s podcast and post we explore the world’s common definitions for success and why they are not that helpful to us. Is success just a recipe that millionaire guru’s deconstruct for us or is it something altogether different?

Join me now as I offer four questions that allow us to see beyond surface level wins and help us see the true measurement of success.

257-A Thirst for God

“Looking at the world, do you think any of us has a thirst for God?

We see people with a thirst for power. We see those we thirst for revenge, control, or self-promotion. But what does it look like to thirst for God? In today’s podcast and post we look closer at our “inner longings” and discover that our misguided pursuits often started as a search for God.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our surface level impulses and discover what it really means to thirst after the Lord.

256-The Hostile Mind

“Do you have a hostile mind or is it only “those people” who do?

In today’s podcast and post we take a look at the fastest growing religion in the world: Politics. We’ll explore why it has generated so much power, and ignites such hatred and division among us. Is there any hope for our world?

Join me now as we see beyond the quagmire of the political binary and explore how it’s possible for this dividing line of hostility to be eradicated, and how the world can be set free from its bondage to a hostile mind and healed through the power of love.

255-The Thirty-Ninth

“What happens if we turn social justice inward?”

In today’s post and podcast we continue our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with an exploration of the thirty-ninth Psalm. Everybody is desperate for change right now. The political machine has whirled everyone into a frenzy of battling for one side, one ideology, or one outcome.

Join me know as we follow David from this same point of desperation along his path inward where he discovers something so much greater than winning, where he gains true sight and the ability to see beyond everything into our real battle.

254-Mistaken Identity

“How often do you get angry or offended?”

It might surprise you to discover that “THOSE PEOPLE” are actually not making you angry or offending you. In today’s podcast and post, I expose the real reason why so many things trigger us and set us off.

Join me now as we see beyond our mistaken identity and gain the only perspective that can actually free us from basing our identity upon things that can’t actually define us.

253-One World 10-Good News for the World

“Are you ready for some Good News?”

Our world seems like it’s disintegrating right before our eyes. It seems foolishness, suffering and evil are gaining ground. People are more divided than ever. Is it any wonder the “Good News” or Gospel taught by religion has been an evacuation strategy? In today’s podcast and post I will show you that the Good News is better than that?

Join me now as reveal how everything we’ve been taught to believe fits within a much bigger framework. Let’s switch to the wide-angle lens so we can see just how good the Good News actually is and then we’ll quickly realize why we can’t risk believing it.