Tag Archives: Beyond Everything Radio

5- Living, Moving and Being


“What does it mean to have our BEING in God?”

In some ways our world is not unlike the Ancient world of Athens. Paul’s sermon opens up the “God Conversation” to a theology that had tremendous liberating power. Surprisingly, it doesn’t come with a contest of who has the bigger God, in fact it doesn’t come from a religious framework at all.

Join me now as we look deeper at Paul’s theology of living, moving and being as it enables us to see beyond everything.

4- Nations of Feelers and Crawlers


Where did we get the idea that everyone has to believe the same thing when it comes to God?

Given the diversity of human experience around the world, how could that even be possible? Yet the mission of the church has largely been built on institutionalizing a particular process of saving souls by conversion to Corporate Christianity.

Join me now as we look deeper at Paul’s view of humanity as we learn to see beyond the religious frameworks into a faith that is ultimately beyond everything.

3- Life, Breath, and Everything


”Is God only found in some things, or in everything?”

Today we continue looking at Paul’s sermon in Athens where he reframes the Greek two-story religion of God up there and us down here, into a living faith where God is the Maker of all things and is thus in all things, through all things and beyond everything.

This idea was so revolutionary the Greeks insisted he stay and help them see this. Let’s join Paul today as we also learn to see beyond everything.

2- I see you are Religious


”What does it mean to be Religious?” Ever notice how the world looks at all the religions and concludes that they are all basically the same? From the outside looking in, it’s not so easy to tell them apart. Today we are continuing our look at Paul’s sermon in Athens because he’s laying the foundation for what religion is and how faith is different. Paul proves that faith in Christ was not intended to be another competitive religion, but something totally different that puts everyone into the conversation. By learning about our own frameworks of religion we will learn to see Paul’s framework much clearer and that enables us to See Beyond Everything.


1-Strange New Thing


Welcome to the first broadcast of Beyond Everything Radio! This will air February 11, 2018 on AM 670KLT in the Denver Metro area. The Beyond Everything Radio Podcast will be a re-airing of the radio broadcast. In this broadcast I will examine why the question “Who or What is God?” is not really working anymore. We need a new question. We will then begin this series looking at Paul’s discourse in Athens as a framework for the new question which ushers in a theology for everyone.