Tag Archives: consciousness

245-The Thirty-Sixth

“How conscious are you of your own wickedness?”

I know that’s an uncomfortable question. In fact it’s the type of question that causes a subtle, but devious internal reaction within us whereby we avoid answering. It’s far easier to point the finger at those more wicked than our self.

In today’s podcast and post we pause our other topics to pick up our more introspective series on Psalms Greatest Hits. The Thirty-Sixth Psalm begins a row of soul scouring reflections. Join me now as we see beyond our rejection of morality into that which is trying to find us within our most lost condition.

228-The Healing Practice- Part 3: Mind & Being

In this episode I conclude my description of the healing practice by exploring the point when we get to the end of our words and can finally abide, sit still, and be in and with Divine presence. This portal will allow all comers to see just how everything is possible and beautiful. It gives us just enough of a glimpse that we can re-enter the work of each day with a completely new disposition and attitude.

179- When our Focus IS the Distraction

“What is your biggest distraction?”

Most of us intuitively view distractions as derailments. They are a shift of focus from a more import object to a less important object. I think we all get this at a basic level. 

In today’s podcast and post I will take us deeper beyond the objects of distraction, and show why changing our focus doesn’t always solve the problem.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the objects of our distraction and gain a glimpse of the single subject that exists just below the surface of everything.

163-The Gift I Cannot Give


This is the podcast/audio version of my second most popular post from my blog at Thrive in Exile. I’m making it available as a podcast to allow those who prefer to listen to content the opportunity to access this vital perspective. It is my prayer that this short recording will open up a deep inner experience that will lead you into a transformative journey. If I could give it away, I would, but since I can’t, the best I can do is describe the gift I can’t give.

Peace and Love to you all. Merry Christmas!

Pay Attention to How you Pay Attention…


“Why are some people resistant to God and spirituality while others are tuned in to it?

In today’s broadcast, we examine the parables the Sower and the Lamp under the Jar. Too often these are taught separately and the result is a tribal message that separates people between innies and outies.

Join me now as we see beyond that which is hidden in a parable so that we can see all that is being revealed. Namely, that the parable reflects a process and not fixed states of being. It takes a special kind of consciousness to see consciousness, and that is precisely the point of the story.

87- The Afterlife


What happens when we die? This question has ignited both science and religion. In this post and podcast I will take the best of science, sacred text, and human experience and list eleven key considerations that will widen our understanding. Of course no one knows for sure what is on the other side, but we are left with amazing clues. After assembling the pieces that I have, my best advice is to not make the afterlife your goal. Instead, find humility so you can access the afterlife now. Then, very little will change upon our death.