Tag Archives: freedom

323-The Advent for Hypocrites

What does the Advent or Christmas have to do with self-deception?”

In this final Advent post on Christmas Eve, I want to peel off a thick layer of confusion or misunderstanding about the Advent, which religion has used to divide our world into sinners and saints. Be warned. Anyone who is unwilling or unable to see their own hypocrisy, will certainly reject this aspect of the Advent.

Join me now as we learn to see the Advent which lives beyond everything and why it is an undeniable, unescapable invitation into the freedom of authenticity, and why so many of us prefer to live a lie.


What is the point of having faith? Why do any of us need it anyway?

In today’s podcast and post I will show that the way we answer this question reveals our fundamental assumptions and definition of faith. Since we each possess so many assumptions, the net result is that our faith ALWAYS puts us on a trajectory whether we can see it or not. Thus seeing faith is vital to our lives.

Join me now as we explore the purpose and trajectory of placing our faith, not in a religion, but in that voice and force which invites us out of or pseudonyms and into an authentic community or city.

315-11-The Faith Beyond Religion

Have you wondered why religions invalidate the faith of other religions as if there is a competition between whose god will ultimately win?”

When the world places it’s faith into a “faith system” the result is exclusionary, competitive religions which all think they have the only true belief. In today’s podcast and post we deconstruct our faith in our “faith” as we continue our study in Hebrews with a look at famous Faith Chapter.

Join me now as we discover the Ultimate Source and subject of faith which preceded world religions and is still alive, inviting all comers to participate in a restorative relationship beyond and through our frameworks of religion.

313-9-The Main Thing is the Main Thing

“If we were to distill the entire bible down to a single message, what would it be?”

I’m sure if we asked this question to four people we’d get at least five answers. In today’s installment in our series in the book of Hebrews, we reach not only the central theme of this author, but the central theme within all of sacred text.

Join me now as we begin to scratch the surface of what it means to ensure that the main thing remains the main thing.

311-7-Peace, Priests, and Melchizedek

“Is there any hope for peace in the world?

Most of us look at the dysfunction and brokenness throughout every strata of society and have given up hope of any real or lasting peace in our world. Clearly it seems we are too far gone for that. But are we?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our study in Hebrews by pulling back and looking at peace from a cosmic perspective and the main cause which prevents us from even seeing it.

Join me now as we see beyond the small version of peace which is offered by institutional power and gain a glimpse an order or reign of peace which has existed forever.

Launch Your Life 3- Do I need to Change my Life

“How do we know when it’s time to change our life?”

If you are like most people, we only come to this conclusion when something in life goes horribly wrong or we are experiencing a significant amount of pain or discomfort. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled: “Launch Your Life” and examine a completely new reason to make this change… one which is truly unexpected.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the institutions in our life which have given us an identity, and learn why living under this “Fake ID” is all the evidence we need to prompt a change in our life’s course.

263-Called Out 5: The Message

 “What is the message of the Church? If you answered; “The Gospel,” you’re right. But what is the Gospel?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the message of the Church, the Gospel. Everyone has heard of it and most of us think we know what it is, but is there more to the message?

Join me now as we see beyond the common, evangelical understanding of the Gospel and look closer at how the Bible describes it. I think we’ll discover that our understanding of the Gospel is far too small.

256-The Hostile Mind

“Do you have a hostile mind or is it only “those people” who do?

In today’s podcast and post we take a look at the fastest growing religion in the world: Politics. We’ll explore why it has generated so much power, and ignites such hatred and division among us. Is there any hope for our world?

Join me now as we see beyond the quagmire of the political binary and explore how it’s possible for this dividing line of hostility to be eradicated, and how the world can be set free from its bondage to a hostile mind and healed through the power of love.

238- These are NOT uncertain times…

“Do you think there is a bigger story beyond the pandemic? 

I’ll bet your answer reveals your political bias. As our world splinters deeper into factions, I’ll show that our battle with uncertainty is not one of finding the truth, it’s that of authority. Are the expertsall telling the truth? Is there a conspiracy behind it all? 

In today’s podcast and post, we will look beyond the headlines into the most provable conspiraciesof human history. From there I will show you the prescription for humanity where both diversity and unity coexist and we discover that these are NOT uncertain times.

234- FREEaster

“How can a Middle Eastern man from two-thousand years ago make us free?”

It’s Easter Sunday and all over the world, people’s personal freedoms have been stifled due to the pandemic. This allows us to see two very different views on freedom which permeate every aspect of our lives. In today’s podcast and post we will look beyond the pandemic at these two worldviews through the lens of the Easter story.

Join me now as we see beyond the two thieves (belief and unbelief) and discover how the Easter story offers a third perspective which bring lasting freedom.