Tag Archives: Launch Your Life

290-Launch Your Life 5- The Depth Delusion

“Does your life have a depth dimension or a depth delusion?

In the conclusion of our series entitled, “Launch Your Life,” we explore what is beyond a life of depth. In our world, we are conditioned to skim over reality and live in the unsatisfying quest for the “next thing” not realizing it is masking a pseudonym of despair.

Join me now as I endeavor to slow us down, muffle the noise and confusion of life, so that we can gain awareness to that “still small voice” which leads us to a multi-dimensional, abundant, satisfying and meaningful life.

Launch Your Life 4- From a Job to a Mission

“Do you have a job, a career, or a mission? Do you know the difference?”

In our hurried world, it’s easy to find ourselves living in constant distraction, bouncing from one thing to the next. We have embraced an ethos of busyness as we try and climb, attain, and rise up from where we are. It’s a stressful existence of competition, survival, and struggle.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Launch Your Life” with a deeper look at our work.  Join me now as we see beyond climbing the ladder of many things into a satisfying life where we no matter what we do, we are really only doing one thing.

Launch Your Life 3- Do I need to Change my Life

“How do we know when it’s time to change our life?”

If you are like most people, we only come to this conclusion when something in life goes horribly wrong or we are experiencing a significant amount of pain or discomfort. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled: “Launch Your Life” and examine a completely new reason to make this change… one which is truly unexpected.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the institutions in our life which have given us an identity, and learn why living under this “Fake ID” is all the evidence we need to prompt a change in our life’s course.

287-Launch Your Life 2- What do I do with my Life

“How do you know if you have found your purpose in life?”

Today we continue part two of our “Launch your Life” series with a closer look at discovering our purpose in life. The world’s conventional wisdom always points us to look toward our career, family, or religion in order to find our purpose. While these can be institutions from which our purpose can arise, today I will challenge the assumption that these are the same thing.

Join me now as we explore the sure-fire, but counter-intuitive, way of discovering our life’s purpose, and why chasing a purpose ultimately leads us to despair.

286-Launch Your Life 1- What is My Life

“Is it possible you are living in despair and cannot perceive it?

Soren Kierkegaard said that the world lives in despair, refusing to become a self. If that is true then the lives that most people live are more about fiction, pretense, and self-delusion than they are about authenticity and ultimate reality. When I look at every strata of society, this is exactly what I see. In today’s podcast and post we begin a series entitled “Launch your Life” with a look at the question: “What is my life?”

Join me now as we see beyond our bodies and the way we spend our time to explore if we are ready to receive reality as it actually is, not as it is for us.