Tag Archives: freedom

Lockdown Exposes What’s Real This Easter

“Do you really want things to go back to how they were? I don’t.”

I told you last week, we’d be in this for a while and now the novelty is wearing off. So many memes and GIF’s circulating about how we are getting on each other’s nerves. While good for a laugh, the underlying truth must be exposed. In today’s podcast and post I will prove that the lockdown is not creating relationship problems, it is exposing them.

Join me now as we take a sobering look beyond the issues at home and into our communities of faith. This Palm Sunday, let’s hope the real Easter emerges from the inside out. If it does, the world won’t have to go back to how it was.

222- Healing our Minds with Wisdom

“What is the secret to healing our minds? Is it therapy? Is it medication?” Think Again.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our exploration of healing and focus today on our minds. Is a healthy mind focused on our emotions, our memories, or the things we think about? I don’t think so. We’ll discover healing our minds is not about separating out the pieces but integrating them all together.

Join me now as we see beyond the fragmented problems and learn how wisdom brings all the pieces together into a whole. Healing our minds isn’t so much “what “we think, but first about “how” with think. 

204- Don’t Worry About Your Life

“How much of each day do you spend worrying about your life?”

Are you constantly drawn into the feed of politics, news events, market fluctuations, and the state of the world? What happens if things don’t get better? What is your plan should everything go to pot?

These questions help us realize that we spend quite a bit of time worrying about our life, and the marginalized around us worry about where they will live, what they will eat, or what they will wear. So how can Jesus say, in the Sermon on the Mount, “Don’t worry about your life.”? It seems impossible given the state of our world.

In today’s podcast and post, we look closer at this counter intuitive strategy for how to live in our tumultuous world without anxiety. Join me now as we see beyond our distractions and get a glimpse of the freedom from living without worry.

195- I Solemnly Swear

“Are you the kind of person that really needs to be proven right?” Is it hard to say “No” or let things go?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series rediscovering the sermon on the mount as we take a closer look at the meaning behind taking an oath. We take oaths in court, or when we marry, or in certain kinds of jobs. It seems oaths and keeping promises are integral to the truth and to a society seeking to avoid corruption.

But what if oath taking has a dark side that remains invisible to us until its almost too late? Join me now as we see beyond oath taking and explore how it takes away our freedom and what the alternative might be.

190- Way Beyond Anger

“How much of your life is spent feeling angry? Do you struggle with anger?”

In today’s podcast and post I continue our study of the sermon on the mount and examine an area that imprisons countless people. Some people live in so much anger that they don’t know how to live without it, nor want to.

Join me now as we see beyond anger and learn why it is a prison for so many people. We’ll learn why Jesus’ antidote to anger is NOT to run to God, and why most of us will prefer the living hell of anger instead of healing and liberation.

187- Power will NOT like this

“Are you free enough to speak truth to power?”

That’s a loaded question. Most people, if they are honest, will have to admit they are not. We are free enough to “like” a meme posted on social media. We are free enough voice our opinion when it’s safe to do so, but we are not free to “rock the boat” within our places of employment, our family dynamics, our social structures, our religious frameworks, or our government.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our look at the sermon on the mount and we examine the punchline statement of the whole thing. Join me now as we see beyond what we thought was persecution, and into the disappointing reality that exposes our lives being lived in captivity.

177-Closing Remarks


“How should the church respond to Paul’s letter to the Galatians?”

Today we conclude a thirteen-week study of the book of Galatians. Paul was clearly not reinventing another religion but preserving the integrity of the gospel message which not only liberates all people from institutional powers, but from frees us from the inside out. By ridding us of external and internal pressures that are trying to define and derail our lives, Paul is showing all people the path to personal freedom.

Join me now as we see beyond the lens of modern evangelical Christianity and see Paul’s message for what it really was, a free-flowing charter on how to live, and find your true self transparently grounded in God.

176-Falling By the Wayside


“How do you or your religious institution deal with sin?”

If your experience is like mine, then you are probably used to pastors and religious leaders going on and on about sin and dealing with it in very severe ways and in dramatic fashion. In today’s podcast and post we learn that Paul’s recommendation is the exact opposite.

Join me now as we see beyond the “teeter totter” sin management systems of religion that push our anthropology down and our Christology up. The result is a gospel freedom not from our sin, but despite it.

172- The Freedom You’re NOT Enjoying


“Are you free to live your live your life how you want to? If so, are you doing it?”

Today our study in the book of Galatians focuses on the apex of this book where Paul explains that freedom is the whole point of everything. The Gospel is the power that frees us from the prisons of either overdoing or underdoing everything.

Join me now as we learn to see that our captivity is not imposed upon us by an external force as much as it is our unwillingness to simply walk right out into the freedom we’ve already inherited.

164-Reflecting 2018


We’ve come a long way since 2012! This podcast is a point of reflection upon the existential cry that we all share within the deepest part of our soul. We all have this annoying voice within us that seeks answers to hard questions, we long for a satisfaction that seems to elude us our entire lives.

In this podcast and post I share how this ministry has evolved out of following that voice out into the light of authenticity, and I invite as many as will come to wake up and regain the freedom that we have given away to institutions that want to govern us.

There is a way of life that is profoundly free, but it only comes from following the questions and cries within us into a truly prosperous and authentic life.