Tag Archives: healing

220-Healing our Bodies through Faith

“Is it reasonable to expect healing when science has concluded that healing is not possible?

In today’s post and podcast, we go a bit deeper into our exploration of healing, by examining the role of faith in healing our bodies. Quantum science has forced the rewriting of empirical frameworks for understanding our world and moves us incrementally closer to the world depicted in sacred texts.

Join me now as I show the similarities between quantum entanglement and prayer, and take us beyond everything into their single biggest difference. That difference, may just be the reason why faith changes everything, even science.

219-Healing Our Bodies through Science

“Is the healing of our bodies limited to physical preconditions?”

In today’s post and podcast we continue our series on healing as we see our world in its desperate need of healing. People look to science as the final authority on healing our bodies, but is there more to the story? I think so.

Join me now as we see beyond the physical preconditions of healing and open up a wider perspective that will allow us to integrate our fragmented understanding into a healing that goes beyond our bodies.

218-Healing Our Demons

“Do you believe in demons? After this podcast, you might. You’ll also know what to do with them.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on healing as we look closer at the idiom of “exercising our demons.” What does this actually mean and is there anything we can do about it?

Join me now as we see beyond Ghost Hunters, and examine the real “underworld” that exists just beneath the surface of our thoughts.

217-Do You Want to be Healed?

Are you self-aware enough to recognize those areas of your life where you need healing?”

Believe it or not, most of us aren’t. The vast majority of people believe healing is limited to the physical body as it relates to injury or illness. As such, healing is almost entirely deferred to medical professionals.

In this podcast and post we begin a series where I introduce a new framework for healing. All suffering and captivity within our lives are like festering wounds that have never received the proper care.

Join me now as we see beyond our suffering and lay hold of the healing that awaits every soul who diligently seeks for the truth.

192- Adultery and Dismemberment

“What’s the real problem with lust and adultery?

Our world is saturated with sexual content. Lust and adultery are constant topics in all forms of modern entertainment and fewer and fewer people seem to be able to discern the line of sexual immorality, some even reject the notion all together.

In today’s podcast and post we take a closer look at lust and adultery. While most of the world thinks the problem is cheating or lying, we discover today that the problem is something far more common. Join me now as we see beyond our failed morality codes and discover the true meaning of the commandment against adultery.

153-Don’t Ignore Your Discontent

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“How often to you experience discontent over something?

If you are like most people, you are discontent with a number of things each and every day. From politics to our cappuccino, discontent emerges within all of us. So what is it saying?

In this podcast and post, I explore why so many of us have learned how to ignore our feelings of discontent. I then offer why ignoring these feelings is not always the best approach. Join me now as we see beyond our discontent and explore why it just may be the answer to your prayers.

Seeing and Not Seeing

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“Do you think your religious belief is the only one that is true?”

 The healing of the man born blind is not really about physical healing, but the miracle of sight, particularly spiritual seeing. Truth, light, and seeing are metaphors to access something well beyond the story.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond everything as we unearth a larger picture that is so uncomfortable that most religious people will simply reject it.

Break the Sabbath and I’ll heal you…

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Do you want to be free?

 In today’s broadcast we continue our look at the familiar bible stories, focusing on the healing by the pool of Bethesda.

Join me now as we see beyond the miracle into the subversive message Jesus brings to religion about its commandment to obey the Sabbath. In this case, breaking the law was the precondition of not only healing and liberation, but the very means of keeping the Sabbath holy.

When others don’t SEE you.

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Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by people who don’t really know who you are?”

In today’s broadcast and post we look at the familiar story of Jesus healing the son of a high-ranking state official. Once we look between the lines of scripture we begin to see Jesus in a new light which reflects back to us something about our own heart.

Join me now as we see beyond the second miracle into the lonely inner experience of exile, where we are known only by what we can do for others and not who we really are.

96- God and Suicide

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What is it with fundamentalism and it’s view on suicide? Suicide seems to bring to the forefront weird theologies that lay in the backdrop of people’s minds. The result makes a bad situation far worse than it is.  In this post and podcast I dust off an archive from July of 2013 and I show how the church has oppressed the poor in the area of suicide.  Suicide is multifaceted and should never be a doctrine that is dished out willy-nilly. I will explore the Christ story as a story of self-slaughter. As such we are given a path to understanding and an icon for healing to those who are left behind.