Tag Archives: keven winder

474- Fix Your Faith 1: Meet Satan

“When you face a decision point in life, how do you know how to make the right choice? What if you discover that you had already made a dire mistake, but it didn’t seem like a big deal at the time?

Today we launch our series entitled; “Fix Your Faith” with a journey back in life to the point where we surveyed the kingdoms of the world and picked a life to strive after. Without realizing it, many of our lives got derailed and we don’t even know it?

Join me now as we go back into that place where we think we are totally alone, and examine that person who wants to make a name for themselves.

473-One Hundred Nineteen: WAW

“If I were to offer you a life-hack that would re-orient you in such a way, that you would live the rest of your life in freedom and experience an optimal amount of peace and success, would you be willing to follow it?”

In today’s podcast and post we launch our New Year with just such a life hack. It is found in our next installment from our Psalms Greatest Hits series, where we are focusing on Psalm 119.

Join me now as the Psalmist shows us a blueprint for opportunity, vision, and success that most of the world simply ignores.

472-Reflecting on 2024

“Have you ever wondered about this online ministry? How many people are tuning in? How has it grown, or what am I trying to do?

In today’s podcast and post I share some of the statistics and highlights from 2024 and I address the foundational purpose for the work I do, and why it can be polarizing.

Join me now as I reflect on 2024 and why I’m really looking forward to 2025.

471-Awaken to Deep Love: A Christmas Contemplation

“Has your holiday preparation obscured the love you and your family are supposed to experience?  Or is this season a painful reminder that a deeper love and connection is clearly missing?

In today’s podcast and post I offer a brief contemplative exercise that can clue us into some ways to access a much deeper experience with love this season.

Join me now as I prime your attention for some very subtle observations which can grow into a truly meaningful Christmas.

470-Time Extraction: Advent in the Next Five Minutes

“If I told you that the Kingdom of God would be fully present to all of us within the next five minutes, how many of you would be skeptical?

In today’s podcast and post I conclude my Advent series by extracting the layer of time from our discussion of the Kingdom of God. I’ll show how the promised Kingdom not only started 2000 years ago, but fully present here and now, and why it’s Yelp reviews are so poor.

Join me now as I prove precisely why receiving the Kingdom is so difficult, and why we prefer the fictional heaven of religion instead.

469-Ritual Extraction: The Advent of Solitude

“Why do you suppose that the Advent of the Kingdom of God began in the wilderness, twenty miles away from religion? Or is that a new consideration for you?

In today’s podcast and post, I teach how Religion has controlled the Advent narrative for a long time, and in doing so, has conflated the Kingdom of God with religion itself, thus imposing barriers to entry and rituals to get us “in.”

Join me now as I reconnect us to the authentic Advent experience of the Kingdom in which everyone exists already. Learn how we can possess both today, from the solitude of our own internal desert.

468-Emotional Extraction: True Advent Feels Wrong

“If the Biblical Advent goes beyond the nativity story to include John the Baptist “preparing the way,” and that “way” was not through religion, then why do you think people today are so emotionally threatened by John’s invitation to leave the religious industrial complex?

In today’s podcast and post, John the Baptist swings his axe and calls us into God’s kingdom which resides outside of religion in the desert.

Join me now as we deconstruct our emotional dissonance to John’s Gospel, which sounds so wrong when we first hear it.

467-Cranial Extraction: Advent NOT Nativity

“As we enter the Advent season, do you think the Nativity Scene best represents of the Advent of the Kingdom of God? Should churches use the Christmas season to attract more people to the Christian religion?

In today’s podcast and post I will reveal that the bible’s revelation of the Advent was an invitation out of religion, and not into it. 

Join me now as we examine how John the Baptist inaugurated a Kingdom and a message that was intended to be the end of religion, not the beginning of a new one.

466-The Thanksgiving of Jonah

“Nearly everyone has heard the story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish, but has it occurred to you how fitting this story is for Thanksgiving?

In today’s podcast and post I bring a special Thanksgiving contemplation as we look at two verses in the story of Jonah.

Join me now as Jonah helps us to see what true Thanksgiving is all about, and how we can experience it today.

465-The Architecture of Sin and Renewal

“Is there an area of personal change that you have found extremely difficult? You’re not alone.

In today’s podcast and post, I will add another layer of instruction to our last post on embodiment, with an examination of how both sin and renewal work within us.

Join me now as I prove that all problems are first truth problems and how that cascades into personal sin and evil in the world. Learn how our architecture is not broken, but designed in wisdom to allow the entire cosmos to be healed, starting with ourselves.