Tag Archives: moment

163-The Gift I Cannot Give

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This is the podcast/audio version of my second most popular post from my blog at Thrive in Exile. I’m making it available as a podcast to allow those who prefer to listen to content the opportunity to access this vital perspective. It is my prayer that this short recording will open up a deep inner experience that will lead you into a transformative journey. If I could give it away, I would, but since I can’t, the best I can do is describe the gift I can’t give.

Peace and Love to you all. Merry Christmas!

80- Practice YOUR Practice.

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Do you see yourself as a spiritual person? If not, then you probably don’t define many of your activities as spiritual practice. If you do, then you likely have a number spiritual practices in which you engage. In this post and podcast I tell my story of how my spiritual practice has evolved over the years. The further we perceive God from our inner reality, the more elaborate the practice will be. Religion has commoditized spiritual practice and too often it diminishes the experience of those who don’t subscribe. I give you a new lens to see spirituality and a menu from which all comers can know a transformative inner experience.