Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

246- One World 3: Judaism as Archetype

“How well do you know Judaism?”

That’s a loaded question, but it’s important if we are to gain the trajectory of understanding that this series will offer. If your answer caused you to think about traditions, holidays, and Kosher religious practices, then my point is already made.

In today’s podcast and post we continue with our One World series and focus upon Judaism as the archetype of religion. Can our world ever get along and be at peace if each religion is competing with each other? Is the answer to homogenize them all together or to cherry pick those parts we prefer? NO. Join me now as we pull back to see beyond everything and what it means to be a child of Abraham.

245-The Thirty-Sixth

“How conscious are you of your own wickedness?”

I know that’s an uncomfortable question. In fact it’s the type of question that causes a subtle, but devious internal reaction within us whereby we avoid answering. It’s far easier to point the finger at those more wicked than our self.

In today’s podcast and post we pause our other topics to pick up our more introspective series on Psalms Greatest Hits. The Thirty-Sixth Psalm begins a row of soul scouring reflections. Join me now as we see beyond our rejection of morality into that which is trying to find us within our most lost condition.

244- One World 2-Science, Data and the search for Truth

“How much FAITH do you put in science?”

If you are like most people, the answer is: “a lot.” But is science worthy of this kind of loyalty and trust? In today’s podcast and post, we continue part 2 of our “One World” series where we take a critical look at science.

Join me now as we deconstruct the religion of science and expose why facts and data don’t mean that much to our world anymore. Despite all the good that science provides, we will see beyond its truth claims and examine precisely why science cannot lead our troubled world into peace.

243- One World: 1 Expanding Our View

“Do you think it’s possible for a diverse world to live in peace and equity? I do.

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series that will reveal how our world has gone off track in its pursuit of unity. In our efforts to end the pain and suffering of those marginalized by our society, we have turned to institutional power which has elevated uniformity and agreement over diversity and unity.

Join me now as we see beyond our dividing lines of religion, race, and politics into the greatest human rights violation that has ever existed, the loss of our true self.

242- We are ALL being Played

“What do you think is happening in our world?”

If you think we are watching our communities react to the pain of social injustice, look closer. Both sides are being played like a well-tuned instrument. The pressure to pit us against one another has never been stronger, but if you think the reason is political, your still not seeing it.

In today’s podcast and post I will unveil the pernicious assault on the human soul and the only way to stop it. Join me now for a podcast that none of us will like as we see beyond our pain and anger into the power behind the whole mess.

241- The World is Opening. Are you?

“The world is opening back up, have you done the same?”

Spring is here, the economy and plight of humanity has reached the breaking point and people are easing back into life. For over two months, most of the world has been locked inside, and now we must take an inventory of how we handled this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

In today’s podcast and post, I will ask four key questions that will probe whether or not we squandered this unique opportunity. Did we get carried along by our impulses, emotions, and the media? Or did we navigate the storm with our bearings on true North? Join me now as we deconstruct the soul which we are bringing back to the world.

240- Perfect Imperfection

“Do you think you’ve known enough suffering? Maybe not.

As I produce this podcast, the pandemic is thrusting our world into countless forms of suffering. In Columbia, Brazil and Mexico, the starvation has already gone beyond the miles of food lines that Americans get to drive up to. We all want to turn our face from suffering, but when we do, we miss something transformative.

In today’s podcast and post I’m going to offer a definition of suffering that most will reject. Join me now as we see beyond the circumstances that have thrust pain upon us and stare deeply into that which can transform our world.

239- Group Think, Hive Mind and Collective Consciousness

“Do you think your thoughts are actually yours? Think again.

Like the air around us, we pay very little attention to the influence of the collective consciousness that exists in our midst. You may call it Group Think, or the Hive Mind of the Borg, but there is no denying that there is a larger consciousness that influences more than we recognize.

In today’s podcast and post we see beyond Group Think at the osmotic flow of consciousness and learn why missing it is often called darkness. Join me now as we learn a simple truth about being semi-permeable that may very well save our world.

238- These are NOT uncertain times…

“Do you think there is a bigger story beyond the pandemic? 

I’ll bet your answer reveals your political bias. As our world splinters deeper into factions, I’ll show that our battle with uncertainty is not one of finding the truth, it’s that of authority. Are the expertsall telling the truth? Is there a conspiracy behind it all? 

In today’s podcast and post, we will look beyond the headlines into the most provable conspiraciesof human history. From there I will show you the prescription for humanity where both diversity and unity coexist and we discover that these are NOT uncertain times.

237- Deconstruction and the Rich Young Ruler

“What does it mean that a camel can fit through the eye of a needle easier than a rich person can enter the kingdom of God?”

Pay attention to your answer because it reflects a set of assumptions about money and justice that are likely not even in this story. In today’s post and podcast we see beyond the story of the Rich Young Ruler to discover why deconstruction is the true spiritual path.

Join me now as we consider a paradoxical kind of society where once we see it, we can’t imagine a world any other way.