Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

196- The Impulse to Retaliate

“What do you think about retaliation? Is there a time and place to get even?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount and explore the impulse to retaliate. The ethos to retaliate is a vestigial residue from our pre-rational consciousness, it’s a low-level impulse upon which we have built the world. What would happen if we just let go of retaliation in favor of something more?

Join me now and we see beyond the impulse to retaliate and look closer at a far more powerful alternative.  

195- I Solemnly Swear

“Are you the kind of person that really needs to be proven right?” Is it hard to say “No” or let things go?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series rediscovering the sermon on the mount as we take a closer look at the meaning behind taking an oath. We take oaths in court, or when we marry, or in certain kinds of jobs. It seems oaths and keeping promises are integral to the truth and to a society seeking to avoid corruption.

But what if oath taking has a dark side that remains invisible to us until its almost too late? Join me now as we see beyond oath taking and explore how it takes away our freedom and what the alternative might be.

194- The Divorce we Don’t See

Do you think you understand divorce? If you’re like most people, you probably see it as the very end of a marriage.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our journey into the sermon on the mount as we reveal the wisdom behind Jesus’ teaching on divorce. We discover that what most of us think is a marriage is actually a legally binding divorce.

Join me now as we see beyond marriage as a powerplay and go deep enough to heal the wounds that keep us entombed in relationships of obligation, anger, or pain, as we discover the true meaning of love and divorce.

193- The Eighth

“When you consider the scale of the universe, do you feel small? There is a reason for that.”

Sci-Fi movies emerged out of our shared desire to explore the vastness of space. Contemplating the universe can leave us feeling small, insignificant and often leaves us with unanswered questions which feel more like burdens. 

Join me now as we continue in the second installment of the Pslams greatest hits where we visit the eighth Psalm. These times of “reflection”can grow our soul as we peek within the deepest part of our being. May this series allow us all to see beyond everything.

192- Adultery and Dismemberment

“What’s the real problem with lust and adultery?

Our world is saturated with sexual content. Lust and adultery are constant topics in all forms of modern entertainment and fewer and fewer people seem to be able to discern the line of sexual immorality, some even reject the notion all together.

In today’s podcast and post we take a closer look at lust and adultery. While most of the world thinks the problem is cheating or lying, we discover today that the problem is something far more common. Join me now as we see beyond our failed morality codes and discover the true meaning of the commandment against adultery.

191- The Freedom Illusion

Do you possess true inner freedom?”

Our country promises tremendous freedom. Despite all the great things that can be said about it, most people live in great captivity rather than freedom. Every institution holds us captive on some level and few of us find the key to inner and outer freedom.

In today’s special Fourth of July broadcast, we will explore why institutional religion promises is constituents inner freedom, but in the end becomes one of worlds biggest captors. Join me now as we see beyond power plays of captivity and learn why we seldom find personal freedom.

190- Way Beyond Anger

“How much of your life is spent feeling angry? Do you struggle with anger?”

In today’s podcast and post I continue our study of the sermon on the mount and examine an area that imprisons countless people. Some people live in so much anger that they don’t know how to live without it, nor want to.

Join me now as we see beyond anger and learn why it is a prison for so many people. We’ll learn why Jesus’ antidote to anger is NOT to run to God, and why most of us will prefer the living hell of anger instead of healing and liberation.

189- Freedom from Fundamentalism

“Do you see yourself as a fundamentalist?”

I’m willing to bet that you answered “No!” We often think fundamentalism is solely the jurisdiction of religion. While religious fundamentalism abounds in the headlines, we must look closer and see how fundamentalism oppresses everyone in every walk of life.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is a message to people who were oppressed and thought the world was too far gone and needed some other kind of external intervention. Join me now as we see beyond our own inner fundy and explore an unconventional and unpopular way of liberating us all from the tyranny of fundamentalism. 

188- The World is the Margarita; You are the Salt

“What does it mean to be Salt and Light?

If you are like most people, you are probably disregarding this post as “Stuff you already know.” Yes this is perhaps the most familiar sermon subject in the world, but given that “everybody knows this”, why do you suppose there has been so little transformation around it? Why is there so much confusion on what it actually means?

Join me now as we continue our examination of the Sermon on the Mount and we learn to see beyond the Salt and Light and look closer at the intended audience. This fundamental shift requires a wider more inclusive interpretation which allows us to see beyond everything.

187- Power will NOT like this

“Are you free enough to speak truth to power?”

That’s a loaded question. Most people, if they are honest, will have to admit they are not. We are free enough to “like” a meme posted on social media. We are free enough voice our opinion when it’s safe to do so, but we are not free to “rock the boat” within our places of employment, our family dynamics, our social structures, our religious frameworks, or our government.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our look at the sermon on the mount and we examine the punchline statement of the whole thing. Join me now as we see beyond what we thought was persecution, and into the disappointing reality that exposes our lives being lived in captivity.