Lockdown Exposes What’s Real This Easter

“Do you really want things to go back to how they were? I don’t.”

I told you last week, we’d be in this for a while and now the novelty is wearing off. So many memes and GIF’s circulating about how we are getting on each other’s nerves. While good for a laugh, the underlying truth must be exposed. In today’s podcast and post I will prove that the lockdown is not creating relationship problems, it is exposing them.

Join me now as we take a sobering look beyond the issues at home and into our communities of faith. This Palm Sunday, let’s hope the real Easter emerges from the inside out. If it does, the world won’t have to go back to how it was.

231- How to Thrive in Exile

“Are you ready for an Exile?”

Most people are pretending the world will go back to normal in a few weeks. While I suppose that’s possible, the magnitude of the effects of this global pandemic have yet to be fully realized. This means that our two favorite institutions (science and government) are not likely to stave off the suffering of millions.

In todays podcast and post, I’ll share the process of exile and share why now is the time to put off our fear and follow a deeper, truer voice than that of institutional power. Join me now as we see beyond the pandemic into the exile which can rebuild a new world.

230- Are you Bored Yet? Annoyed?

“Are you bored yet? Are you annoyed?”

Our world has shifted and we are all trying to jockey for positions. Shutting down the world is an unprecedented event that will inconvenience some and cause others to suffer. In today’s post and podcast I will invite you to consider what lies beneath the surface of our boredom and our annoyance.  It’s not the kids being home.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our sequestration and deeper into our soul as we learn how to reframe the worlds events into something amazing.

229- 5 Ways to Avoid Squandering this Pandemic

“If you could turn this pandemic into something positive, would you?”

Better yet, would you even know how? As the world soberly looks at the math behind this Global Pandemic, the entire planet is moving toward a complete shut-down of life as we know it. In today’s podcast and post I will offer 5 considerations that have the potential of infusing the world with a good infection.

Join me now as we all collectively navigate our quarantines and  social distances, as I invite us all to turn our homes lives into a sacred time of reflection which has the power to transform our lives and re-create the world.

228-The Healing Practice- Part 3: Mind & Being

In this episode I conclude my description of the healing practice by exploring the point when we get to the end of our words and can finally abide, sit still, and be in and with Divine presence. This portal will allow all comers to see just how everything is possible and beautiful. It gives us just enough of a glimpse that we can re-enter the work of each day with a completely new disposition and attitude.

227- The Healing Practice-Part 2: Breath & Healing

Trying to capture all that glimpses of what goes into my practices takes more time than I thought. In part two we look at how breath, wind or Spirit is a grounding principle and how I use it to initiate the flow of displacement within my life. I explore the dangers of getting the flow in the wrong direction and how to bring others and our larger concerns of the world into this dynamic exchange.

226- The Healing Practice-Part 1: Intro & Posture

“Is there something we can do that will bring all forms of healing into our world?”

Yes, but we probably won’t want to do it. Throughout human history, within all sectors of society, contemplative and meditative prayer practices have, and continue to me, portals through which healing has emerged within the lives of people. It has transformed ancient societies and still does to this day.

In the concluding episodes of our series on healing, I will take you as a visitor along with me as I explain the practice that I imperfectly employ within my life. I’ll share the challenges, pitfalls, and transformation from opening up to the Divine. Join me now as we see beyond religious ritual and learn how everyday people can tap into and join the flow of healing within our lives and world.

225- Healing our Finances

“Is poverty and debt a social or economic problem?”

Clearly, the answer is yes, in part. When it comes to money, most people have no clue what they are doing, and that includes most governments. In today’s podcast and post, I will share my journey from poverty and debt into financial liberation. I will show how our financial struggles are byproducts of the real problem… our thinking.

Join me now as we see beyond the common mindset about money and learn how healing and liberation is available to all of us, starting today.

224-Healing our Relationships

“Are relationships really that complicated and hard to fix? Maybe not!”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on healing as we take a deeper look at what it takes to heal relationships. It turns out that healing our relationships isn’t so hard so long as both parties adopt this one strategy. If either party lacks this vital awareness, then relationships always struggle.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our frustrated relationships into the single biggest reason why they all break down and take a closer look at why we don’t really want to fix them.

223- The Fifteenth

“According to religion, who gets access to God?”

This is an interesting question which exposes our preconceived ideas about proximity, worthiness, and morality. In today’s podcast and post we continue or ongoing series of the Psalm’s Greatest Hits as we consider the Fifteenth Psalm.

Join me now as we take some cleansing breaths and reflect upon the words of David and how they trigger us. We will look between the lines of the pages and see beyond everything into the motivation of love and how it changes all things.