162-Corruption in Business


“What exactly is corruption in business?”

For some, corrupt business is overcharging, or when businesses take advantage of people. For some, it’s exorbitant shareholder profits, or irresponsible ecological, political, or social endeavors. All of these things are true.

In today’s podcast we will look deeper at what is behind corruption in business and learn that it isn’t something that affects “those people.” Join me now as we see beyond corruption and learn that the rails of business upon which corruption often travels are the very same rails that will bring about a New World.

161- Engage in Business…


“Do you think it’s a bad thing that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer?

What if I were to suggest that income discrepancy is NOT economic nor social injustice, but God’s very design for the world?  In today’s broadcast we will examine the difference between people whose economic condition is empowered by abundance versus those fueled by scarcity?

Join me know as we visit two extremely severe parables about the economics of God’s Kingdom, (which in the midst of us all).  We’ll learn why fairness is not equal opportunity, and why that means the there is so little tolerance for the unproductive.

160-Love Poet


“If the Song of Solomon was the only sacred text, what would religion look like?

Love is not just a sentiment tossed around on Valentine cards. It’s not just the start of a relationship. Love is the greatest power in the universe and its gravitational pull is always towards the unity of all things.

In today’s episode I show how this amazing love poem is a microcosm, can help us see a much bigger work in the macrocosm. Join me now as we see beyond human love and sexuality into an amazing illustration of the love of God.

159- Sex Poet


“Does talking about sexuality make you uncomfortable?”

Human sexuality has tremendous power. So often we see this power in its corrupted form and it causes countless problems in our world.  In today’s podcast we will explore the two biggest contaminators of our sexuality (fundamentalism and secularism) and compare them to some very explicit sexual poetry.

Join me now as we see beyond our sexuality and capture a glimpse of a gift that is largely left unopened.

158-Wise Man Says-Enjoy Your Toil


“Do you enjoy going to work?”

 Over half of the US is unhappy at work. Most people conclude that this is because half the jobs are not fun, are boring, or offer poor pay. In today’s podcast I reveal that the thing that makes us enjoy our work has little to do with the job we do or the amount of pay.

Success and achievement are not the same thing, and neither of them can make us happy. Join me now as I show how success is the by-product of being happy not the antecedent. Join me now as I reveal how enjoying our toil is an “inside-job” that is not a skill to practice, but a gift to be received.

157-Wise Man Says-Everything is Beautiful.


“Do you see everything as beautiful?”

Today we continue our examination of the wisdom of Solomon as we explore how Solomon moved from despair and anger into the realization that everything, and I mean everything, is beautiful in its time.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond our life of reacting in anger to everything into the spacious and prosperous awareness that everything belongs.

156-Wise Man Says: Nothing New Here


“Do you ever find yourself on the edge of despair?”

Has life not turned out like you thought it would? Did it not yield to you all that it seemed to promise while you were in your youth? If so, then you are not alone. In today’s podcast we take a look at the ebb and flow of life and take some advice from the wisest man that ever lived.

Join me now as we see beyond all of our effort and output and our climbing and striving, to discover what is really going on beyond it all.

155-Institutional Power is Not What it seems.


“Do you derive power from any institutions?”

Throughout life we migrate from family, to social networks, to organizations, to institutions.  We develop political and survival skills and often become very attached and even derive our identities from our teams, companies, religions, political parties, and tribes.

In today’s broadcast, I am going to lift the veil of what is behind institutional power, and reveal the power that drives it, and offer an amazing alternative.

Join me now for this very challenging podcast that asks us to reframe everything and usher in a New World.

154- The Illusion of Spiritual Practice


“Do you have a spiritual practice?”

That question is like asking if you like your pet.  In spirituality, people slip into one of two ditches: Taking spiritual practice way too seriously, or not taking it seriously at all.

In today’s podcast I share my experience with many diverse spiritual practices and what I’ve learned through my quest. You’ll be just as surprised as I was to discover that every spiritual practice creates an illusion that must be overcome, or the practice becomes void.

Join me now as we learn what is beyond our spiritual containers, to understand our connection to their divine contents.

153-Don’t Ignore Your Discontent


“How often to you experience discontent over something?

If you are like most people, you are discontent with a number of things each and every day. From politics to our cappuccino, discontent emerges within all of us. So what is it saying?

In this podcast and post, I explore why so many of us have learned how to ignore our feelings of discontent. I then offer why ignoring these feelings is not always the best approach. Join me now as we see beyond our discontent and explore why it just may be the answer to your prayers.