Tag Archives: gospel

387- Part 2-The Hell we Don’t See

“Who gave you your definition of Hell? If it came from Institutional Religion, then it’s likely very different than the teachings of the bible.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series as I reveal how Church history, fiction and Hollywood have created a version of Hell that is irresistible to economies of religion. By displacing Hell solely to another dimension after we die, Hell’s captivity keeps expanding through invisibility.

Join me now as I reveal the Hell Jesus taught about, and how that helps us see how our modern assumptions about Hell, are the most common forms of captivity in it.

385-Part 1- Obsessed with Hell

“Are you or someone you know obsessed with Hell? The truth might surprise you.

In today’s podcast and post I introduce a new series on Hell which will extract it from religious and cultural frameworks and will allow us to see just how obsessed with Hell we actually are.

Join me now as we see beyond the mythological and follow the stream back to the headwaters of a universal influence of which we just won’t let go.

384- What About our Bodies?

“Are you under the assumption that you ARE your body? Is our body just a randomly generated meat suit?

In today’s podcast and post, I will compare the scientific view to the biblical view of our bodies, and reveal how science’s broken view led our world into a very confusing and disorienting place.

Join me now as we see beyond our body and get a glimpse of the true Life shining through them, etching itself into every corner of our human experience.

383-Should Pastors be Paid?

“Do you believe pastors and clergy should be paid? Who really benefits from a church’s non-profit tax status?

In today’s podcast and post I will bring up a “Question from Corinth” that the modern church largely ignores, and is a portal through which parishioners can see the contrast between the business of religion, and a community of faith.

Join me now as we see beyond those paid to share the gospel, and discover how this cultural trend establishes a world for unbelief.

382-Dying in the Wilderness

“Have you ever felt like no matter what you try, you never seem to obtain the life and the freedom for which you hope? There may be a reason for this.

In today’s podcast and post, I begin a series entitled “Questions from Corinth” with a look at the story of the Hebrews who “died in the wilderness.” 

Join me now as we see beyond those who possess an unlived life, and why this type of captivity is so common in our world today, and why this indicates that our condition is beyond slumber and requires far more than being “woke.”

381-Is Your Life FREE or Fake?

“How well do we really know ourselves? Why do you suppose our world is so focused on “identity” while it simultaneously divorces itself from God?”

In today’s podcast and post I will show how competitive religions can highjack our discovery of God and self, and why each insists that their way is the only true way.

Join me now as we discover how Christ following is subversive to institutional power, and why the message of the Bible reveals that salvation is not our over-identification with religion, but the self who is discovered by our liberation from it.

378-Easter is NOT a Holiday

“Is Easter just another religious holiday? I believe there is a lot more to it.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our three-week Easter series with what some might call a radical view of Easter. It just might be that religious tradition has entombed Easter into a tiny little framework.

Join me now as I invite you to see beyond the holiday traditions and capture a glimpse of the REAL Easter, that is closer than we have ever considered.

377-Donkey King

“What’s the point of Palm Sunday? Churches refer to this event as the triumphal entry, but what was so triumphant, since the powers of religion and State were clearly going to crucify him?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the prophesy of Zechariah and how Jesus willfully fulfilled it as he went straight into Jerusalem to “poke the bear”.

Join me now to explore how this display of power should have been the end of religion as we know it. Come and see how humility and sacrificial love are the most subversive powers the world has ever known.

375-He Gets Us- but We don’t Get it

“We all saw the Hegetsus ads during the Super Bowl…now five weeks later hardly anyone is talking about it. In your opinion, was it worth $100 Million?

In today’s podcast and post I will share my perspective on the Hegetsus ads and reflect upon what I think were its successes and failures. In a polarized world like ours, I applaud the appeal to unify all comers and invite a spiritual exploration.

Join me now as I share why it’s true that Hegetsus, but after two thousand years, we still don’t get him.

366-The Unforgiving Servant

“Do we really want forgiveness if it means we have to forgive others?”

Today we continue our series of Seeing Beyond the Parables with a look at the Unforgiving Servant. Our lives are completely infused with harsh, critical judgments on just about everything around us. We will examine why this appears to be an unchangeable reality.

Join me now as we discover the way out of our objective prison of condemnation, and discover the principle to which many pay lip service, but few can actually apply.