Tag Archives: keven winder

216- Coaching OR Un-Coaching?

“Do you think you might need some coaching? Think again.”

The online world has created a virtual gold-rush of life-coaches, gurus, and talking heads that all offer life-hacks, programs, and pipelines that promise us a better life. Countless people will spend hundreds or even thousands for coaching with the hope that they will finally arrive at a new level in life.

In today’s podcast and post I offer you a free alternative. I will help you see beyond the commercial engine of life-coaching. Join me now as we examine the free gift of wisdom through un-coaching.

215- Why We Burn Out

“Why do we Burn Out?”

If you are like most people, you think burnout is the fatigue caused by working too hard or working too long. As a result, we think vacations are the counter-weight which bring our lives back in balance.

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at burnout and discover that balance is an unhelpful tool to temporarily suppresses our feelings and deeper questions. Join me now as we go beyond the bad advice and discover a new definition of burnout which opens up a new way to live. 

214- Deep Christmas

“Whose tired of people asking about the real meaning of Christmas?”

The Grinch proved a long time ago that Christmas has a deeper meaning than driving up revenues in Q4 through gift giving. In this post and pod-cast I go a step further and prove that depth comes neither from gifts, nor from tradition or religion.

Join me now as we see beyond the surface experience of Christmas and dive into what makes it so transformative. Learn how Christmas is the power to liberate our lives rather than bury us in stress and debt. 

213-The Fourteenth and Fifty-Third

“What does the fool say in his or her heart?”

The fourteenth and the fifty-third Psalms are very similar copies of each other. Both begin with a searing statement that “A Fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God!’”.These verses have been used to bludgeon Atheists, other religions, and even fellow believers. Is that really the intent of this Psalm? 

In today’s podcast and post we continue in our fourth installment of the Psalms greatest hits where we visit the fourteenth and fifty-third Psalms. Join me now as we see beyond our name calling and uncover the profound depth and beauty of what it means to be a FOOL.

212- Your Vice and Your Dream

“How well do you know your own vices? How well do you know your dream?

We all have a vice that no matter how hard we try to remove, continues to return in one form or another. We also in like manner, all have a dream. Some are working toward that dream, while others have given up on it, and some still trying to figure it out.

In today’s post we examine the relationship between our vice and our dream and discover why we typically see them as two different things. Join me now as we see beyond our vice and discover its causal relationship to our biggest dream for life.

211- Three Levels of Thanks

“What does it mean to be thankful?”

In my contemplation recently, I have looked closely at the nature of gratitude and how we grow into grateful people. I have discovered at least three different levels of gratitude which I’ll share in this podcast.

Join me now as we see beyond our thanksgiving turkey into what makes us truly grateful people.

210- End With a Beginning

“How is a sermon supposed to end?”

At the end of Jesus’ most famous sermon, there is no invitation to convert to a religion. There is no demand for money or support. He doesn’t even close with a prayer or a song. 

Join me now as we conclude our 25-week series of the Sermon on the Mount. As we see beyond the simple metaphor that he uses to illustrate that there is a right and a wrong way to build our lives. Perhaps the most durable, lasting foundation for life is actually something beyond our ability to describe in words.

208- The Authenticity Test

“How do you know if someone is truly being real with you?”

What is your litmus test for authenticity? If you are like most people, you focus on a person’s deeds or misdeeds. But do they really tell the whole story?

In today’s podcast and post, we examine the passage about wolves in sheep’s clothing. Join me now as we see beyond the fake ID, into our many pseudonyms, as we discover that becoming authentic is marked not by ascending, but by first descending.

207- The Gates

“Did rock music get it right? Is there a really highway to Hell? Is there a stairway to Heaven?

In today’s post we look closer at the teaching about the two gates that lead to two roads. This image is tattooed in the psyche of our minds as single decision point on whether to go up or down. But is that really what it’s saying?

Join me now as we continue our study and see beyond the threat and discover that the difficult path enables us to discover that we are not just an animal, but a spiritual being.

206-The Big Answer to Seeking and Knocking

“Is God some kind of cosmic vending machine?”

We are all people in need. As such, it isn’t uncommon to ask for a little help now and then. At times of need or doubt we may offer a prayer to get help from a power greater than ourselves. But how many of these go unanswered? 

In today’s podcast and post we arrive at the Apex of the Sermon on the mount. If you’ve ever wanted to ask God why he didn’t answer your prayer, then you are in the right spot. Today Jesus reveals the answer to this burning question as we learn to see Beyond Everything.