Tag Archives: Psalms greatest hits

473-One Hundred Nineteen: WAW

“If I were to offer you a life-hack that would re-orient you in such a way, that you would live the rest of your life in freedom and experience an optimal amount of peace and success, would you be willing to follow it?”

In today’s podcast and post we launch our New Year with just such a life hack. It is found in our next installment from our Psalms Greatest Hits series, where we are focusing on Psalm 119.

Join me now as the Psalmist shows us a blueprint for opportunity, vision, and success that most of the world simply ignores.

453- One Hundred Nineteen: He

“What does it mean to be taught by God?”

In today’s podcast and post we return to our series entitled Psalms Greatest Hits, with part 5 of Psalm 119: He. 

Join me now as the Psalmist discovers what true and lasting success is all about, and how it stands is distinct contrast to the success the world is chasing. Let’s explore the motivators that reside deep within us, to see if even want a life in fidelity to God, and why we usually prefer something far less satisfying.

441-One Hundred Nineteen: Daleth

“What does it mean to bow? What does it mean to lower oneself?

In today’s podcast and post we return to our series entitled Psalms Greatest Hits, with part 4 of Psalm 119: Daleth. 

Join me now as I compare how the Psalmist approaches suffering to that of our modern world. We’ll learn that strength for life is not gained in avoidance, or through altering our chemistry or circumstances, but by clinging to the words of God in and through our suffering.

431-One-Hundred Nineteenth: Gimel

“When you hear the term: ‘The commandment of God’ what reaction does it invoke within you? If you are like most people, not much happens.

Today we continue our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest hits with then next section of Psalm 119. This chapter is unique not only in the Psalms but in the whole of Sacred text. It is the center piece the Bible, and if we have the ability to hear it, will reorder every priority in our lives.

Join me now as we compare our experience with God’s voice with that of the Psalmist, and we try to close the gap between them.

419-One Hundred Nineteen-Beth

“What exactly is the Word of God?” Preachers tell us it’s a really old book, but how could it have been such a book, to the authors who wrote about it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series “Psalms Greatest Hits” with a look at “Beth”, which is the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet and also the title of the next eight verses of Psalm 119.

Join me now as we slow down, and learn that the Word of God is not a cosmic rule book, but the gift of seeing which must be perceived and practiced within each moment, if it is to be applied for our freedom.

406-One Hundred Nineteenth – Aleph

“What is your immediate, gut reaction if I say I’m going to talk about the commandments of God? Do you feel a sense of inner resistance?

In today’s podcast and post we interrupt our other series to return to our ongoing series entitled “Psalms Greatest Hits” with a look at Psalm 119. Not only is this the longest Psalm but nearly every verse of it talks about the commandments of God.

Join me now as we look at the first eight verses of a chapter that evokes within us either profound indifference or inexplicable love.

393- Fifty First

“Does God get tired of us constantly failing to live from a pure heart?

Let’s face it, every single person, no matter how spiritual they believe themselves to be, is continually sinning. Sure, our sins morph over time to things that are more acceptable, but the heart within us is as the old hymn says: “Prone to wander.”

Today we circle back to our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a visit to one of David’s lowest and darkest periods of life. Join me now as we see beyond everything and follow in his footsteps toward our spiritual restoration from our greatest sins.

379- One Hundred Twenty Seventh

“Do you feel like our world is heading in the right direction? 

This is not merely a political question. It’s much bigger. In today’s podcast and post, I will continue in our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 127th Psalm. All of human history has ideas about how our cities and countries should be governed.

Join me now as we compare the trajectory of this simple Psalm to the trajectory of the modern world and test if there is any part of us which is able to see beyond everything.

367- One Hundred Seventeenth

“Do you know what lies behind the shortest chapter in the Bible?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 117th Psalm. Not only is this the shortest chapter in the scripture, but it’s placed in the exact center of the whole thing.

Join me now as we read between the lines of a song which has been sung since the 3rd Century BCE, as it invites us to See Beyond Everything.

357-One Hundred Third

“Does God have unconditional love for everyone, or are there actually conditions?

In today’s podcast and post we examine the profound beauty of the One-Hundred and Third Psalm. Is this passage a clinic on the deep theological realities of true nature of God, or is this an insiders experience only? Denominations have been debating this for centuries.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and consider the tension between our humanity and spirituality, and how our failings don’t prevent us from experiencing God as David describes, but are necessary to truly hear these words.