Tag Archives: Questions from Corinth

385- Thorn in the Flesh?

“Are you familiar with saying: “A thorn in the flesh?” How well do you understand this idea?

In today’s podcast and post I am going to give you not only the backstory behind Paul’s famous trope, but I will unpack its theological implications and why it’s important for those being liberated from religious overreach.

Join me now as we discover that the thorn is not an object, but a subject dispatched by love to keep us close to God.

384- What About our Bodies?

“Are you under the assumption that you ARE your body? Is our body just a randomly generated meat suit?

In today’s podcast and post, I will compare the scientific view to the biblical view of our bodies, and reveal how science’s broken view led our world into a very confusing and disorienting place.

Join me now as we see beyond our body and get a glimpse of the true Life shining through them, etching itself into every corner of our human experience.

383-Should Pastors be Paid?

“Do you believe pastors and clergy should be paid? Who really benefits from a church’s non-profit tax status?

In today’s podcast and post I will bring up a “Question from Corinth” that the modern church largely ignores, and is a portal through which parishioners can see the contrast between the business of religion, and a community of faith.

Join me now as we see beyond those paid to share the gospel, and discover how this cultural trend establishes a world for unbelief.

382-Dying in the Wilderness

“Have you ever felt like no matter what you try, you never seem to obtain the life and the freedom for which you hope? There may be a reason for this.

In today’s podcast and post, I begin a series entitled “Questions from Corinth” with a look at the story of the Hebrews who “died in the wilderness.” 

Join me now as we see beyond those who possess an unlived life, and why this type of captivity is so common in our world today, and why this indicates that our condition is beyond slumber and requires far more than being “woke.”