Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

306-2-Ok Boomer-Quote Your Bible

“How does it make you feel when people start quoting the Bible?

No doubt about it, the Bible has a polarizing effect on us. We either like it or despise it. Of course, how the scripture is quoted usually has more to do with this experience than the quote itself. In today’s podcast and post we will examine the underlying reasons why people quote the Bible and why it might be necessary if the audience has a specific worldview.

Join me now as we continue our study of the book of Hebrews as we try and get unstuck from our rigid frameworks of belief. It’s the only way this study has the power to free us from our three-sided prisons.

305-1-Seeing Beyond Everything

Today’s question comes from C.S. Lewis: “How would it be possible for Macbeth to know anything about Shakespeare?”

This may seem like an odd question, but it opens a very important consideration about religion and why it continually gets the answer wrong. In today’s podcast and post we begin a series exploring the book of Hebrews and why this book is so important for the spiritual but not religious world.

Join me now as we see beyond our religious superstructures and return to the scandalous idea that we can have intimacy with God not because of our religions, but despite them.

304- The Soul’s Amnesia

“Do you think most people actually know themselves? The answer may surprise you.

Our feeds are constantly being bombarded with people who are “proud of who they are” or who are proclaiming that they are true to themselves, but how can a person who succumbed to their own impulses know anything of their true self? In today’s podcast and post we explore what it means to forget who we truly are.

Join me now as we see beyond the claims of our fictional persona’s and uncover just how bad our amnesia really is.

303-Behind Unanswered Prayer

“If nearly every religion has a practice of prayer, then why do so few seem to understand what prayer is?

In today’s podcast and post I reveal how both believers and unbelievers have misunderstood prayer and as a result, suffer confusion about the purpose and function of prayer.

Join me now as we look through the portal of contemplation and discover why many so-called prayers are not actually prayers, and why it’s absolutely necessary for some prayers to never be answered at all.

302-ReThinking Anxiety and Insomnia

“Do you suffer from anxiety or insomnia? Maybe you need a new definition…

In today’s podcast and post I propose an alternative way to view anxiety and insomnia. As someone who has suffered with these for much of my life, I have discovered a profoundly liberating framework from which I’ve found a lasting sense of peace and rest.

Join me now as I offer a new definition of anxiety which invites us to consider that these are not problems for which we must seek treatment, but are instead invitations to a deeper dimension of life.

301-It’s About Time-Part 3

“Is time travel possible?

Perhaps time travel as it is depicted in movies is not yet a reality, but does that mean we cannot have and even cultivate experiences with timelessness? In today’s podcast and post we conclude our mini-series on time with a look at four rather obvious areas where we have experiences which are beyond the bounds of time.

Join me now as see beyond some very common, everyday experiences and explore some forms of timeless existence and why insisting that “it’s all in our head” cannot be an excuse, but may in fact be a proof.

300-It’s About TIME-Part 2

“What is time? Outside of science, how have systems of faith been able to access the same conclusions that science has recently discovered?

In part two of our brief exploration of time, I will scratch the surface of the biblical worldview on time and how it has been influencing people for centuries. Not only are the conclusions similar to what science has recently discovered, but there is so much more beyond what I will share today.

Join me now as I highlight three simple perspectives about time that sacred texts have revealed and how these have helped people for years.

299- It’s About Time-Part 1

“What is time? Do we live within a linear framework that is ticking along second by second?”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a short series on the subject of time as we look at some of the way’s science has come to understand time. The emerging frameworks are not only interesting to discover, but bring with them potentially transformative ways for us to live.

Join me now as we see beyond the fabric of time and discover how consciousness creates a self-time continuum which is worthy of our consideration.

298-Nothing is Harder than This

“Why is it so hard to change the mind of a stubborn person? My answer may surprise you.

In today’s podcast and post we explore why some people insist on holding certain beliefs even if such beliefs cause themselves or others to suffer. I’ll reveal why the “religious mind” is not limited to those who subscribe to religion, and why scripture reveals it to be the most lost mind a person can have.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and I offer an extremely difficult path to personal and global freedom.

297-The Ninety-First

“Where is the Dwelling place of God? Is there really such a thing?”

In today’s podcast and post we rejoin our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the Ninety-First Psalm. This Psalm is attributed to Moses at the completion of the tabernacle. Many people don’t realize this is one of the most quoted Psalms of them all.

Join me now as this Psalm invites all comers to see beyond the curtain and contemplate what or where “The Dwelling Place of God” actually is.