375-He Gets Us- but We don’t Get it

“We all saw the Hegetsus ads during the Super Bowl…now five weeks later hardly anyone is talking about it. In your opinion, was it worth $100 Million?

In today’s podcast and post I will share my perspective on the Hegetsus ads and reflect upon what I think were its successes and failures. In a polarized world like ours, I applaud the appeal to unify all comers and invite a spiritual exploration.

Join me now as I share why it’s true that Hegetsus, but after two thousand years, we still don’t get him.

374-Parenting Teens 7-The Difficult Teen

“Do difficult teens really exist? What is really behind teens who are rebellious, disrespectful, or willfully disobedient?”

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series on parenting teens with a look at difficult teens. I’ll offer some philosophical considerations which can lend themselves to very practical strategies for helping these challenging situations.

Join me now as we see beyond the difficult teen and discover the common threads which account for so much of the pain that exists in our households.

373-Parenting Teens 6-The Selfish Parent

“How do teens become so overly focused on themselves? Why are so many of teens unmotivated?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on Parenting Teens with a look at the Selfish Parent. If something in you is resisting this post because you fear it will simply be a blame game, then you definitely need to hear this.

Join me now as we deconstruct some ways that our own selfishness as parents is transmitted into the behaviors of our teens which frustrate us the most, thus reveals the path to fix many of the problems.

372-Parenting Teens 5-Sex and Dating

“Are teens just going to go out and have sex no matter what we tell them?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on parenting teens, with a look at dating and sex.  In a world that is so saturated with sexuality, most parents’ thing their job is to stave off as much content as they can, but that only contributes to the problem.

Join me now as I share how wisdom can train our teens to have a high view of sex and I offer an alternative strategy for dating, which will establish our teens on a path of finding and honoring true love and commitment.

371-Parenting Teens 4-Care and Feeding

“Why do teenagers eat so much junk food? Is it just the way it is? Or is there something more beyond it?

In today’s podcast and post we will consider the parent’s role in training our teens about life and health. I’ll reveal how following the common path of the world creates people who are given over to their appetites, with the result being a lifestyle of sickness and medical interventions.

Join me now as we examine the underlying philosophies and spiritual assumptions which show up on our dinner plates, and how to lead our teens to health, freedom, and the path to life.

370-Parenting Teens 3- The Search for Self

“Are the teenage years necessarily a time of rebellion? Or, are these common behaviors indicative of a blind spot on the part of parents?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on parenting adolescents with a look at our teen’s search for self.  We’ll learn why when young people try on new identities, or act out, it isn’t just “being a teen,” but symptomatic of a fundamental problem.

Join me now as we see beyond teenage surface level behaviors and expose what is really behind “those teen years” and how wisdom offers a healing alternative.

369-Parenting Teens 2- Worldview and Struggle

“Is it possible that truly understanding one’s worldview can be the single biggest indicator of whether a teen will succeed in life?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on parenting teens with a look at something about which most parents don’t really consider…their worldview. I

Join me now as we show why the wrong worldview creates the wrong self and is behind every struggle that exists in our teenager’s life, and why it’s vital for parents to give young people a world that actually makes sense.

368-Parenting Teens 1-Intro

“Are you or someone you know in the midst of raising a teenager? As a parent, are the teen years right around the corner for you?

In today’s podcast and post, we begin a series that many of you have asked me to do, as we look at the wisdom required to raise teenagers. My first series on the Power of Parenting looked at the counter-intuitive philosophies of biblical parenting, and remains the most forwarded series to date.

Join me now as I introduce this series and invite you and your family into a transformative, sacrificial path along a loving, respectful, transition from childhood to adulthood.

367- One Hundred Seventeenth

“Do you know what lies behind the shortest chapter in the Bible?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 117th Psalm. Not only is this the shortest chapter in the scripture, but it’s placed in the exact center of the whole thing.

Join me now as we read between the lines of a song which has been sung since the 3rd Century BCE, as it invites us to See Beyond Everything.

366-The Unforgiving Servant

“Do we really want forgiveness if it means we have to forgive others?”

Today we continue our series of Seeing Beyond the Parables with a look at the Unforgiving Servant. Our lives are completely infused with harsh, critical judgments on just about everything around us. We will examine why this appears to be an unchangeable reality.

Join me now as we discover the way out of our objective prison of condemnation, and discover the principle to which many pay lip service, but few can actually apply.