172- The Freedom You’re NOT Enjoying


“Are you free to live your live your life how you want to? If so, are you doing it?”

Today our study in the book of Galatians focuses on the apex of this book where Paul explains that freedom is the whole point of everything. The Gospel is the power that frees us from the prisons of either overdoing or underdoing everything.

Join me now as we learn to see that our captivity is not imposed upon us by an external force as much as it is our unwillingness to simply walk right out into the freedom we’ve already inherited.

171-The Mystery of Inheritance


“Have you ever inherited anything of value?”

How does life change for you if you were the heir to billions? Wouldn’t that reality provide a safety net for you? What would living be like to have the certainty and freedom to go or do anything your heart desired? It might surprise you to know that that experience is possible for every single person.

In today’s podcast, we continue our exploration of Galatians and learn that each of us is an heir to a divine inheritance. Join me know as we see beyond how this is possible and learn what it means to live freely as an heir.

170-Who has Bewitched You?


“Have you ever met someone who has caved under pressure?”

We like to think of ourselves as free and autonomous people. We like to think that our opinions are our own, and that we have the courage and strength to speak truth to power. But in reality,  most people will cave under pressure. If your boss, or someone you hold in high regard challenges you, are you really willing to face the consequences of a certain conflict?

In today’s podcast and post we will explore Paul’s question to the church in Galatia because he is has noticed that they have tossed out their freedom for the sake of keeping appearances or keeping certain people happy. Join me now as we learn why it is better to defend your freedom even in the face of conflict than to cave in for the sake of being nice.

169- Live like Sinners


“What does it mean to live like a sinner?

All religions have names for those they see as outside their religious tribe: Isalam calls non-Muslims Infidels, Christians call them unbelievers, Hinduism and Buddhism call them unenlightened, and Jews call them Gentile Sinners.

In today’s episode we will see how the Gospel freed religious and non-religious people from compliance to religious law and rules. This freedom caused them to be seen as living like sinners

Join me now as we explore what that means and why this is a central theme of Paul not only to the church in Galatia, but throughout the New Testament. It just might be that living as Paul describes “like a sinner “. is the ability to See Beyond Everything.

168-Clear as Mud


“Does my teaching style create more questions than answers?”

I’ve been getting a lot of great feedback from our recent series in Galatians and I’m really excited about that. I have noticed that a lot of the questions seem to come from the same place within your minds.  After thinking about my responses to you, it occurred to me that the issue is not about the content, but the frameworks of understanding that differ between us. It’s a sort of epistemological language barrier.

In this post and podcast, we are going to take a brief pause, to clarify what I’m trying to do in this study since so many new people are tuning in. My goal is to help you understand why we have so many triggers that create dissonance in our thinking, why I always seem to be picking on them, and how we can learn to See Beyond Everything!

167- Freedom From Conversion


“Do you think your religion is better than others?

 I know that’s a loaded question, but I’m trying to access that part of your thinking that believes converting people to a religious system makes us close to God. In this series I am exposing how the modern church today has fallen into the same trap as the church in Galatia, by insisting on religious rule keeping, ritual and obedience as the measure of belief. But what if the gospel doesn’t require converting?

Join me now as I prove that belief has nothing to do with perfunctory religious obligations and everything to do with freedom. Once we wake up to embrace the freedom available to all nations (Heathen) we will be able to see beyond everything and liberate from conversion and religious power plays into the life of freedom promised by the gospel.


166- Paul writes WTF?


“Why was Paul so shocked by the church in Galatia?

If you ask four pastors to define the gospel, you’ll get five or six definitions. In part two of this series, we will explore why Paul’s language is so severe with the version of the gospel coming from the Galatian church.  We’ll discover that Paul’s gospel is so much wider and more inclusive than the Galatian church could imagine and as a result, they lost the scandal of the gospel and adopted a hybrid.

Join me now as we bring Paul’s words into our modern age to hear how he would react to the gospel offered in modern times. Perhaps if we withhold judgment long enough, we will be able to hear is reproof and learn to see beyond everything.

165-Putting Things Right…


“What if religion has so highjacked people’s lives that liberation from it seemed sinful?”

Back in 2011 I posed this question to my then elder board at a church in which I served. The question so gripped me that within a year I would step away from church leadership and pursue an online ministry to liberate people from the frameworks and institutions that imprison their lives.

In today’s podcast we begin a series where we will examine Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia. The church which started by liberating people from their frameworks and institutions had slipped right back into the same old institutional power plays that they left in the first place.

Join me now as we introduce this series by revealing how the scandal in Galatia remains a scandal today. If you’ve ever wondered what Paul would say if he could see the state of modern Christianity, then you are in the right place, as this series will help both the religious and non-religious to see beyond everything.

164-Reflecting 2018


We’ve come a long way since 2012! This podcast is a point of reflection upon the existential cry that we all share within the deepest part of our soul. We all have this annoying voice within us that seeks answers to hard questions, we long for a satisfaction that seems to elude us our entire lives.

In this podcast and post I share how this ministry has evolved out of following that voice out into the light of authenticity, and I invite as many as will come to wake up and regain the freedom that we have given away to institutions that want to govern us.

There is a way of life that is profoundly free, but it only comes from following the questions and cries within us into a truly prosperous and authentic life.

163-The Gift I Cannot Give


This is the podcast/audio version of my second most popular post from my blog at Thrive in Exile. I’m making it available as a podcast to allow those who prefer to listen to content the opportunity to access this vital perspective. It is my prayer that this short recording will open up a deep inner experience that will lead you into a transformative journey. If I could give it away, I would, but since I can’t, the best I can do is describe the gift I can’t give.

Peace and Love to you all. Merry Christmas!