Tag Archives: healing

441-One Hundred Nineteen: Daleth

“What does it mean to bow? What does it mean to lower oneself?

In today’s podcast and post we return to our series entitled Psalms Greatest Hits, with part 4 of Psalm 119: Daleth. 

Join me now as I compare how the Psalmist approaches suffering to that of our modern world. We’ll learn that strength for life is not gained in avoidance, or through altering our chemistry or circumstances, but by clinging to the words of God in and through our suffering.

417- Marriage Tune-Up 5: The Sex Talk

“Do you think the world’s current understanding of sex is helping us or hurting us? Has religion been any better for us?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our Marriage Tune up with a discussion on sex and I offer ten perspectives that will reframe how we understand it from within the law of love.

Join me now as we see beyond our confusion about sex, and I offer the single greatest path to sexual freedom and expression that eludes nearly all of us.

411-The Dynamic Advent for All

“Is the goal of the advent season to reflect upon the birth of Jesus and prove its historical validity? If so, then there is no possible way for us to experience it.

In today’s podcast and post I challenge the assumptions behind the traditional advent season and prove that the advent of Christ is not a static event limited to just a few in human history, but a dynamic unfolding of events.

Join me now as we see beyond the nostalgia of advent trapped in religious history and discover that the advent of Christ is still coming to everybody every day.

408-7-The Church of Little Faith

“Do you believe “faith healers” are for real, or have most of them been proven to be a big scam?”

Today we continue our series deconstructing church history with a look at one of the biggest promises in the bible; that with just a little faith we could literally move mountains. What does it say about our modern faith, if Jesus own disciples couldn’t heal a sick boy?

Join me now as we see beyond the common assumptions as to why modern churches lack miracle working power, and discover that healing isn’t a gift bestowed for our spiritual stature, but a function of finding ourselves in God.

385-Part 1- Obsessed with Hell

“Are you or someone you know obsessed with Hell? The truth might surprise you.

In today’s podcast and post I introduce a new series on Hell which will extract it from religious and cultural frameworks and will allow us to see just how obsessed with Hell we actually are.

Join me now as we see beyond the mythological and follow the stream back to the headwaters of a universal influence of which we just won’t let go.

379- One Hundred Twenty Seventh

“Do you feel like our world is heading in the right direction? 

This is not merely a political question. It’s much bigger. In today’s podcast and post, I will continue in our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 127th Psalm. All of human history has ideas about how our cities and countries should be governed.

Join me now as we compare the trajectory of this simple Psalm to the trajectory of the modern world and test if there is any part of us which is able to see beyond everything.

368-Parenting Teens 1-Intro

“Are you or someone you know in the midst of raising a teenager? As a parent, are the teen years right around the corner for you?

In today’s podcast and post, we begin a series that many of you have asked me to do, as we look at the wisdom required to raise teenagers. My first series on the Power of Parenting looked at the counter-intuitive philosophies of biblical parenting, and remains the most forwarded series to date.

Join me now as I introduce this series and invite you and your family into a transformative, sacrificial path along a loving, respectful, transition from childhood to adulthood.


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“What is healing? Is it merely a biological process?”

In today’s podcast, post and video, I will reveal how healing is so much more than we commonly think and why so many people live in a chronic state of pain, confusion, and disintegration.

Join me now as we see beyond healing our bodies and see why healing comprises a holistic integration between our bodies and the center of our being or self.

341-The Twenty-Seventh

“Does spiritual awareness really make a difference in our lives?”

Today we return to our ongoing series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the Twenty Seventh Psalm. In our hurried lives of distraction, it’s common for modern people to ignore, dismiss, or avoid stillness and reflection upon our spiritual condition. This enlarges the amount of emotional pain that we must suppress leaving many of us with a sense of anger or despair just below the surface of our lives.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and follow David’s pointing finger toward the unseen world. We will take a few tips from David and perhaps we can become honest like him and allow all the subterranean reality to bubble to the surface, where we can give it the attention it requires.

331-Famous Last Words 6- Greater Works than these…

Many of us have heard Jesus’ promise that we would do greater works than he did, or that he would give us anything if we asked for it in his name. The question for us today is: Why do so few of us believe it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Jesus’ Famous Last Words and his promise that “You shall do greater works than these…” You’ll learn the four most common ways people interpret this promise.

Join me now as we discover why all of us approach this promise like his disciples did… in uncertainty, confusion, and unbelief.