Tag Archives: institutional power

478-Fix Your Faith 5: Friends and Vocation

“Have you ever asked: “Is this all there is?” Have you ever felt like life is an exhausting treadmill from which you cannot get off, or one on which you fear getting on?

In today’s podcast and post, we explore the institutional authorities of our friends and vocations. I’ll reveal why we can’t just “Pick the right job” and everything will work out. 

Join me now as I explain why so many people are imprisoned by friends and vocation, and how we can subvert this authority with a new name, and begin healing our lives.

Launch Your Life 3- Do I need to Change my Life

“How do we know when it’s time to change our life?”

If you are like most people, we only come to this conclusion when something in life goes horribly wrong or we are experiencing a significant amount of pain or discomfort. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled: “Launch Your Life” and examine a completely new reason to make this change… one which is truly unexpected.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the institutions in our life which have given us an identity, and learn why living under this “Fake ID” is all the evidence we need to prompt a change in our life’s course.

250 One World 7-Christianity as Imperial Overreach

“How well do you know Christianity?”

In the West, the Institution of the Christian religion has been the most dominant system of faith, but has been losing it’s influence as people increasingly reject the traditions of their parents. In today’s podcast and post we’ll discover that not all people are rejecting the faith, but instead, they are abandoning the dark shadow of institutionalized religion. 

Join me now as we learn to see the voice that continues to call people out from the overreach of imperial religion and into a living faith which exists beyond everything.

243- One World: 1 Expanding Our View

“Do you think it’s possible for a diverse world to live in peace and equity? I do.

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series that will reveal how our world has gone off track in its pursuit of unity. In our efforts to end the pain and suffering of those marginalized by our society, we have turned to institutional power which has elevated uniformity and agreement over diversity and unity.

Join me now as we see beyond our dividing lines of religion, race, and politics into the greatest human rights violation that has ever existed, the loss of our true self.

231- How to Thrive in Exile

“Are you ready for an Exile?”

Most people are pretending the world will go back to normal in a few weeks. While I suppose that’s possible, the magnitude of the effects of this global pandemic have yet to be fully realized. This means that our two favorite institutions (science and government) are not likely to stave off the suffering of millions.

In todays podcast and post, I’ll share the process of exile and share why now is the time to put off our fear and follow a deeper, truer voice than that of institutional power. Join me now as we see beyond the pandemic into the exile which can rebuild a new world.

187- Power will NOT like this

“Are you free enough to speak truth to power?”

That’s a loaded question. Most people, if they are honest, will have to admit they are not. We are free enough to “like” a meme posted on social media. We are free enough voice our opinion when it’s safe to do so, but we are not free to “rock the boat” within our places of employment, our family dynamics, our social structures, our religious frameworks, or our government.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our look at the sermon on the mount and we examine the punchline statement of the whole thing. Join me now as we see beyond what we thought was persecution, and into the disappointing reality that exposes our lives being lived in captivity.