Tag Archives: keven winder

101- part 2, The CHRIST Jesus


What I’m sharing today is not new, but is likely something of which you have not heard. In today’s post and Podcast I contrast the narrow view of the ruined Jesus from last week with the cosmic view of Christ. I believe a truncated Christology has ruined Jesus and turned Christianity into an alternative religion which was never the goal of its founder. The cosmic Christ is throughout scripture and world history and has many names, one of which is Jesus. The implications of this can and will change everything.

100-The Ruined Jesus


When someone mentions Jesus in an ordinary situation things will instantly become awkward. There is a reason for this and it may not be what you think. Jesus has been characterized in countless ways. In this 100th episode of the Kevkast and in this post I will explain why these portrayals of Jesus are too small to address the honest questions of our culture and the scope of our present reality and cosmos. A Jesus that is too vengeful, too exclusive, too far off, too unloving is actually a Jesus that is too small. A small (particular) Jesus might work for an individual, but it ruins it for everyone else.


99- What is Sin?


The subject of sin is one that makes most people unplug, unsubscribe or disconnect. I hope you don’t today. In this podcast and post I am not going where you probably think I am. Instead I will explain how the concept of sin is a universal understanding and all systems and religions have some plan for dealing with sin. Of course the solution we choose has everything to do with the definition we use. I will introduce a surprisingly paradoxical solution that is often missed by modern Christianity which promotes a sin management system. I will prove how sin is the opposite of faith and as such the solution is not limited to a particular belief, but faith. Sin, in the end, is the design of love so that we will neither miss God nor our purpose in the world.

98-Beware the Leaven…


Jesus told his disciples to “Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees and the Leaven of Herod.”  His disciples had no clue what he was talking about, and likewise many of us don’t either. In this podcast and post I will show you that the pharisee is not just an historical Jewish figure, nor is a pharisee limited to religious people. Just as yeast gives rise to bread, we are warned by Jesus to watch out for that which gives rise to Church and State. There is a watershed disposition of the mind that creates these superpowers that oppress and imprison. I will show it to you and reveal a simple hack that will enable us to work and live within the system, without being controlled or defined by them.


97- Orbits and Molting


In this podcast and post I will use two metaphors to illuminate spiritual reality. The orbit of our planets move in and out of proximity to our sun based upon speed and distance. In like manner our spiritual orbits all vary and all of us need to fine tune this orbit if life is to thrive and we are to avoid freezing or scorching. Secondarily, molting represents the necessary outgrowing of our external formative container. We know we are ready to molt when we can imagine the world better than it is. We all experience a gravity (Pull) or a compulsion to expand (Push). I will show you how to access this benevolent force that pulls and pushes us into a way better life.

96- God and Suicide


What is it with fundamentalism and it’s view on suicide? Suicide seems to bring to the forefront weird theologies that lay in the backdrop of people’s minds. The result makes a bad situation far worse than it is.  In this post and podcast I dust off an archive from July of 2013 and I show how the church has oppressed the poor in the area of suicide.  Suicide is multifaceted and should never be a doctrine that is dished out willy-nilly. I will explore the Christ story as a story of self-slaughter. As such we are given a path to understanding and an icon for healing to those who are left behind.

95-Burden of Belief


Religious system are constantly playing “Red Rover” with the world as they try to turn unbelievers into believers. They shift the burden of belief to outsiders and offer a binary choice of either “in” or  “out.” In today’s podcast and post I ask the question: “Can a threat create authentic faith?” I offer an explanation for why the faith of every person is valid and why we need to avoid competitive religions or truth claims. If we do, the result is an authentic belief that stems from the suffering and mess of everyday life. It’s accessible to all and there is no threshold or burden of belief. There are not multiple stories of varying validity of which we are burdened to choose, there is only one story retold in every person, which means faith is accessible to all.

94- Body and Soul



Last week I proved the existence of non-physical reality. In this weeks post and podcast we go deeper by examining the interplay between the physical (body) and the non-physical (soul) by looking at our bodies. We err when our dualistic mind forces us to pick whether we are a body without a soul or a soul trapped in a body. We are a hybridization of both limitless spirit within a limited body and the design is interdependence.  The limitations of our body are purposed to develop our soul and the soul shapes the works of the body. Unfortunately, religion turns this into behavior modification or sin management. Nonetheless, there remains an icon for us in the Christian story to view ultimate humanity. The interplay between body and soul is both the cause of all suffering and the healing of the world. What will it be for you?

93- Dimensions and the Proof of God


A line has one dimension. A square has two dimensions. A cube has three. We know that time is the fourth dimension, but what is after that? In this podcast and post I will prove the existence of God by proving the existence of the spiritual (non-physical) dimension. I will prove this dimension exists by utilizing mathematics which comes from this non-physical dimension. For our post-modern, rationally based, scientific world, the genesis of discovering one’s spiritual capacity comes primarily from a rational basis for faith. That is the moment of conception for a journey unlike any other. Where will it take you?


92- What is Worship?


Worship is a deeply spiritual experience but not as you may assume. Worship is not something that only religious people do. In this podcast and post I will explain why worship is seen as an aspect of competitive religious claims and why there is so much confusion about what it really is. We all worship, but it’s not as cliché as WHO or WHAT we worship. I will suggest that worship goes beyond what we know. Worship is the thing beyond the thing that we usually call worship. It is the sacred space that is potentially accessed through every single thing in life. Ultimately worship is not sequestration, but incarnation and to truly live is the event horizon to experience the joy of God.