Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

206-The Big Answer to Seeking and Knocking

“Is God some kind of cosmic vending machine?”

We are all people in need. As such, it isn’t uncommon to ask for a little help now and then. At times of need or doubt we may offer a prayer to get help from a power greater than ourselves. But how many of these go unanswered? 

In today’s podcast and post we arrive at the Apex of the Sermon on the mount. If you’ve ever wanted to ask God why he didn’t answer your prayer, then you are in the right spot. Today Jesus reveals the answer to this burning question as we learn to see Beyond Everything.

205- When Judgement Becomes Hypocrisy

“Have you ever wondered why we are all so judgmental?”

It true. We cannot drive down the road, go to a public place, visit a new city or even do our favorite pastimes without passing judgement on others.  Given the fact that we deeply resent being falsely judged, why do you suppose that we are so critical of others? Why don’t we recognize our own hypocrisy?

In today’s podcast and post, we see beyond the admonition “Do not judge.” Join me now as we explore the only counter-measure powerful enough to free us into a life of peace and acceptance: ophthalmological surgery.

204- Don’t Worry About Your Life

“How much of each day do you spend worrying about your life?”

Are you constantly drawn into the feed of politics, news events, market fluctuations, and the state of the world? What happens if things don’t get better? What is your plan should everything go to pot?

These questions help us realize that we spend quite a bit of time worrying about our life, and the marginalized around us worry about where they will live, what they will eat, or what they will wear. So how can Jesus say, in the Sermon on the Mount, “Don’t worry about your life.”? It seems impossible given the state of our world.

In today’s podcast and post, we look closer at this counter intuitive strategy for how to live in our tumultuous world without anxiety. Join me now as we see beyond our distractions and get a glimpse of the freedom from living without worry.

203- The Thirteenth

“How many of your prayers have gone unanswered?

Let’s face, nothing causes more unbelief than someone who “tries” prayer in hopes of changing their reality only to have their hopes dashed to pieces. How many of us have prayed; “How long Oh Lord? Will you forsake me forever?” Sometimes it feels this way, but today’s Psalm takes points to a dramatic change in heart and a restoration of ones’ faith. Is there something just beyond our doubts that replaces reality as it is for us with reality as it is?

Join me now as we continue in the third installment of the Pslams greatest hits where we visit the thirteenth Psalm. These feeligns of “being forgotten”can grow our soul and enables us to peek within the deepest part of our being as we learn to see beyond everything.

202-Accumulating Stuff or Treasure

“What if you could have a piece of wisdom that could fix nearly every problem in your life? Would you want it?

This might sound incredible, but many of us reject this vital key to life because we prioritize the wrong things. In today’s podcast we continue our look at the Sermon on the Mount and we review a principle that is easies to see through the lens of money.

Join me now as we see beyond our debt and finances into the principle that if followed, can transform not only our lives, but the world around.

201- Fasting NOT Performing

“Have you ever met someone who admits to being a hypocrite?”

Of course not. Hypocrites are always other people, right? In today’s podcast and post we examine yet another way Jesus calls religious people hypocrites; through fasting. Fasting in our modern world is usually employed for health and dietary benefits, but historically it has been a religious practice.

Join me now as we see beyond fasting at the real problem behind our hypocrisy and I offer a fasting challenge that will allow us to see that hypocrisy is not someone else’s problem, its ours.

200th Episode!!

Four years in the making and now this Podcast has reached its 200th episode. In this special edition podcast I talk a little about what makes this podcast unique and why it has gradually gained a steady audience. I’ll read some notes and letters from the audience along with sharing some reflections on the common themes that are discussed. Thank you to all of you who have made this podcast part of your regular feed.

199-Praying NOT Performing

“What does it mean to pray like a hypocrite?”

If we’re honest, how often is prayer something we have to endure? How often do our minds wander? How often does praying make us uncomfortable? We’ve encountered prayers so long and verbose they have sermons within them. We see demonstrative prayers, sometimes standing in circles at restaurants, or bowing on blankets in airports, or threatening with a loud speaker in public venues. To whom are such prayers directed; God or everyone around? Jesus calls it hypocrisy. 

In today’s post and podcast we continue Jesus’ deconstruction of religious acts of righteousness and see beyond praying as performance. Join me now as once again we enter our hidden place where God dwells but religion can never come.

198-Giving NOT Performing

“What does it mean to be a church going hypocrite?”

When I was a church going pastor, I worked hard to distinguish myself from those who said one thing and did another. I wanted the world to see that there was a different way to do the faith. There was, but I couldn’t see it until I finally learned how to give without being hypocrite.

In today’s post we explore our charitable giving and expose the dirty secret that institutional religion doesn’t want us to see. Turns out Jesus is no more impressed with our modern churches than he was of the temple.  Join me now as we see beyond what motivates us to give and expose why we prefer the lesser reward of recognition to something more hidden.

197-Enemies and Perfection

“What do you think it means to love your enemies? Do you have any enemies?

In today’s podcast and post we reach the passage on loving our enemies. When viewed in the common framework, this passage is extremely difficult to understand, yet a lone apply. The additional command to be perfect just makes things worse.  

Join me now as we see beyond our enemy and discover what perfection is really all about. Learn why we can’t do perfect, but we can be authentic and that causes our enemies to disappear.