Category Archives: Beyond Everything Radio

382-Dying in the Wilderness

“Have you ever felt like no matter what you try, you never seem to obtain the life and the freedom for which you hope? There may be a reason for this.

In today’s podcast and post, I begin a series entitled “Questions from Corinth” with a look at the story of the Hebrews who “died in the wilderness.” 

Join me now as we see beyond those who possess an unlived life, and why this type of captivity is so common in our world today, and why this indicates that our condition is beyond slumber and requires far more than being “woke.”

381-Is Your Life FREE or Fake?

“How well do we really know ourselves? Why do you suppose our world is so focused on “identity” while it simultaneously divorces itself from God?”

In today’s podcast and post I will show how competitive religions can highjack our discovery of God and self, and why each insists that their way is the only true way.

Join me now as we discover how Christ following is subversive to institutional power, and why the message of the Bible reveals that salvation is not our over-identification with religion, but the self who is discovered by our liberation from it.

380-Spiritual Seeing as Suffering

Do you know what spiritual seeing is? If so, what do you see?

In today’s podcast and post I will provide a biblical justification for spiritual sight and share how this isn’t some kind of super power, but instead is a humiliating source of suffering that we don’t want to live without.

Join me now as I do my best to describe something that defies words, and why those who share this spiritual sight, rarely talk about it.

379- One Hundred Twenty Seventh

“Do you feel like our world is heading in the right direction? 

This is not merely a political question. It’s much bigger. In today’s podcast and post, I will continue in our series of Psalms Greatest Hits with a look at the 127th Psalm. All of human history has ideas about how our cities and countries should be governed.

Join me now as we compare the trajectory of this simple Psalm to the trajectory of the modern world and test if there is any part of us which is able to see beyond everything.

378-Easter is NOT a Holiday

“Is Easter just another religious holiday? I believe there is a lot more to it.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our three-week Easter series with what some might call a radical view of Easter. It just might be that religious tradition has entombed Easter into a tiny little framework.

Join me now as I invite you to see beyond the holiday traditions and capture a glimpse of the REAL Easter, that is closer than we have ever considered.

377-Donkey King

“What’s the point of Palm Sunday? Churches refer to this event as the triumphal entry, but what was so triumphant, since the powers of religion and State were clearly going to crucify him?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the prophesy of Zechariah and how Jesus willfully fulfilled it as he went straight into Jerusalem to “poke the bear”.

Join me now to explore how this display of power should have been the end of religion as we know it. Come and see how humility and sacrificial love are the most subversive powers the world has ever known.

375-Between Thieves

“What would say are the most common ways that people struggle in life? Is it economically, emotionally, or socially?

In today’s podcast and post, we begin our countdown to Easter with an examination of two thieves which rob us of our ability to see reality clearly, and which causes so much suffering.

Join me now as the thieves on the cross reveal the world’s competing systems of avoidance and resentment, and help us to see a third option, hanging right in the midst of them. 

375-He Gets Us- but We don’t Get it

“We all saw the Hegetsus ads during the Super Bowl…now five weeks later hardly anyone is talking about it. In your opinion, was it worth $100 Million?

In today’s podcast and post I will share my perspective on the Hegetsus ads and reflect upon what I think were its successes and failures. In a polarized world like ours, I applaud the appeal to unify all comers and invite a spiritual exploration.

Join me now as I share why it’s true that Hegetsus, but after two thousand years, we still don’t get him.

374-Parenting Teens 7-The Difficult Teen

“Do difficult teens really exist? What is really behind teens who are rebellious, disrespectful, or willfully disobedient?”

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series on parenting teens with a look at difficult teens. I’ll offer some philosophical considerations which can lend themselves to very practical strategies for helping these challenging situations.

Join me now as we see beyond the difficult teen and discover the common threads which account for so much of the pain that exists in our households.

373-Parenting Teens 6-The Selfish Parent

“How do teens become so overly focused on themselves? Why are so many of teens unmotivated?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series on Parenting Teens with a look at the Selfish Parent. If something in you is resisting this post because you fear it will simply be a blame game, then you definitely need to hear this.

Join me now as we deconstruct some ways that our own selfishness as parents is transmitted into the behaviors of our teens which frustrate us the most, thus reveals the path to fix many of the problems.