182- Redshift Cosmology

Same question again this week: “Have you ever had a satisfactory answer to the question of why each religion think it’s better than the others?

Last week’s post burst a few wineskins leaving many of you with more questions than answers. So in this week’s post and podcast we explore what Cynthia Bourgeault calls the San Andreas Fault in the Country of the Heart.

Join me now as we begin to see what has been invisible for so many people for centuries, namely that this faultline creates a rupture in everything we thought we understood about spirituality, faith and religion, allowing us to see beyond everything.

181- Your Monotheism may actually be Atheism

“Have you ever had a satisfactory answer to the question of why each religion think it’s better than the others?

How many millennia will we go on arguing about whose god can beat up another god?  This framework is typified in the story of Elijah and Baal, but I believe we missed the point entirely.  It started by Elijah asking the same question I just did: “How long will you go on limping between two opinions?”

In today’s podcast, I will not answer this question by suggesting that all religions are basically saying the same thing, rather I will argue that they are all missing the same thing. Join me now as see beyond what we think is a monotheistic believe and I reveal how it is simply a modified atheism.

180- The Sunrise of Your Life

The Sunrise of Your Life

“What has Easter become for you?”

Is Easter just another holiday that has been stripped of its meaning? Is it a sacred day of the year where we must pay special attention and make a bit more effort toward our spiritual walk? What if both of these extremes miss the point?

In today’s podcast and post we pull back and reframe Easter in a way that allows all comers to access it’s beauty and transforming power. Join me now as we see beyond the conversion to a religion, and into an inner awakening to the Sunrise of our life.

179- When our Focus IS the Distraction

“What is your biggest distraction?”

Most of us intuitively view distractions as derailments. They are a shift of focus from a more import object to a less important object. I think we all get this at a basic level. 

In today’s podcast and post I will take us deeper beyond the objects of distraction, and show why changing our focus doesn’t always solve the problem.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the objects of our distraction and gain a glimpse of the single subject that exists just below the surface of everything.

178 -Galatians Q&A

“Are you curious about the questions that have come in through this series?”

Last week we concluded a 13 week series on the book of Galatians and over the course I have fielded a number of really great questions. Today, I thought I’d share the most common and or most interesting questions that came up.

Join me now as we review the questions from our virtual community. Perhaps someone asked your question and we can all learn together how to see beyond everything.

177-Closing Remarks


“How should the church respond to Paul’s letter to the Galatians?”

Today we conclude a thirteen-week study of the book of Galatians. Paul was clearly not reinventing another religion but preserving the integrity of the gospel message which not only liberates all people from institutional powers, but from frees us from the inside out. By ridding us of external and internal pressures that are trying to define and derail our lives, Paul is showing all people the path to personal freedom.

Join me now as we see beyond the lens of modern evangelical Christianity and see Paul’s message for what it really was, a free-flowing charter on how to live, and find your true self transparently grounded in God.

176-Falling By the Wayside


“How do you or your religious institution deal with sin?”

If your experience is like mine, then you are probably used to pastors and religious leaders going on and on about sin and dealing with it in very severe ways and in dramatic fashion. In today’s podcast and post we learn that Paul’s recommendation is the exact opposite.

Join me now as we see beyond the “teeter totter” sin management systems of religion that push our anthropology down and our Christology up. The result is a gospel freedom not from our sin, but despite it.

175- The Drawer of Naughtiness


“How successful have you been at eradicating sin from your life?”

I know that’s a loaded question but my hope is that you will answer it honestly and recognize that while some sins may cease or diminish, there are still a host of sins in our lives that simply won’t go away. What are we to do with those?

In today’s post and podcast we continue our exploration of Galatians when Paul opens up what I call the junk drawer of naughtiness. His list of interpersonal transgressions is very long and it’s likely some of your besetting sins are on it. Join me now as we learn to see beyond the battle of flesh and the spirit and gain a new way to understand and live with these two powerful forces within us.

174- Tempering Over-Desire…


“Do you have an area of your life that no matter how hard you try, lasting change seems impossible?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our study of Galatians and explore how internal freedom is entangled in the captivity of our flesh. We’re camping out on this topic for a few weeks because so many of us work from a flawed understanding and thus we fail not despite our best efforts but because of them.

Join me now as we reframe the battle of the flesh vs the spirit into a dance of necessary tension. This not only allows us to live from a place of inner freedom but it gives us the lens to see beyond everything.

173- Shadow: Interplay with Light


“Are you aware of your shadow self? Do you understand your dark side?”

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our study of Galatians and explore how internal freedom is entangled with the captivity of our flesh. In other words there is a constant dance between shadow and light, flesh and spirit.

Join me now as we learn about our dark side, and free ourselves from the old binary framework of good versus evil. We’ll explore the only possible reason our shadow can exist in the first place and why that allows us to see beyond everything.