Tag Archives: faith

457-Rome 31: Freedom or Non Faith

“What is your definition of sin? Is sin all the bad things we do, or the good things we don’t do?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans as Paul uses his instruction about not judging others and accommodating those who are weak in faith to open up a life-hack that redraws the boundaries of our freedom and our sin.

Join me now as we discover a freedom and way to live which very few of us are able to comprehend.

456-Rome 30: Welcoming and Not Judging

“Why is it so hard to welcome those who are different without judging them? Why do people blame religions for being so judgmental, while being so themselves?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans, examining Paul’s admonishment to welcome and not to judge others. I our world where some are so focused on tolerance and acceptance, why don’t we see these values extended to those with whom they quarrel?

Join me now as Paul exhorts us toward a faith that not only frees us from judgment, but by extension, frees us in love from judging others, and transforms us into a welcoming people.

455-Rome 29: Love Means Wake Up and Clean Up

“If religions are always talking about love, why are they behind so many wars?”

In today’s podcast and post, we examine Paul’s clear instruction on how we are to live under the law of love rather than the many laws of religion, or the lawlessness of irreligion. 

Join me now as we see the practical way that faith can still transform the world, and the unloving reasons why it hasn’t done so just yet.

452-Rome 27: An Alternative Way to Live

“What if World Peace was actually possible? If so, most would assume we’d need a world system to provide it. That’s precisely where we go wrong.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series in Paul’s letter to Rome, where we will examine Paul’s alternative lifestyle of faith, for those who are free from the overreach of institutional power.

Join me now as we hear this instruction just as his audience heard it, and discover that a life of faith is supposed to transform the world

451-Rome 26: Cut Off and Grafted Inn

“What is the point of all of our sinning? Does God have anything to do with it? If you answered “No,” then Paul has a message for you.”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in the book of Romans, concluding Paul’s three-chapter theology clinic. We’ll discover that Paul’s doctrine is very different than that of modern Evangelicalism, leaving us with some big things to consider.

Join me now as Paul explains why God consigns everyone to a life of disobedience, and it’s not to send us to Hell.

448-Rome 23: What is Salvation?

“What does it mean to “be saved?” If your definition comes from religion, prepare to be shocked.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining Paul’s definition of salvation, comparing it to that of evangelicalism. Then I’ll take the time to walk you through the biblical revelation that has been hiding in plain sight.

Join me now as I unwind 2000 years of church history in the hope that all comers can rediscover what salvation is all about.

445- Rome 22: Ending Religion Is Highly Offensive

“Ever wonder why people get so offended? The more over-identified a person is with something, the more offended they will be if you question it.

Today we continue our series in Romans examining the Rock of Offense. The scandal of the New Testament is that it doesn’t put us into a religion, but delivers us from all of them. 

Join me now as we discover why the bible says that Christ is the end of religion, and why that is so offensive to us.

443-Rome 20: God is FOR Us…

“What does it mean when Paul says: “God is FOR us.” And why does religion insist God is only for those on his team?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans examining one of the most encouraging passages in scripture, and how religion has shrunk it’s big message, constraining it into a backward framework.

Join me now as I do my best to bring to you the scale and proportion of this Good News, so that we can all possess these words of Life.

442-Rome 19: Groanings Beyond Comparison

“Why is delaying gratification so difficult, but also so beneficial to our lives?” Why do so many of us choose a tiny bit of good now, instead of an in-comprehendible amount of good later?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series in Romans with another layer in chapter 8.  Paul illuminates a way to think and live that is so much bigger than religion.

Join me now as we compare Paul’s definition of salvation to that of modern religion, and ask ourselves why we would ever settle for a personal transaction, when we are offered a cosmic transformation?

440-Rome 18: The Amazon Boxes Keep Coming

“What does it mean to be “In Christ.” Popular preachers tell us that it means we have been converted to the Christian religion, or that we belong to the correct Christian church, but Paul has another idea…

In today’s podcast and post we continue in our series in Romans with another section of chapter eight, where Paul makes a distinction about what it means to be “in Christ.”

Join me now as Paul reveals how his Christology can free all comers from the limitations of both Plato and religion.