Tag Archives: freedom

437- Rome 16: There is NOW…NO Condemnation

“What does it mean to be “in Christ?” Evangelicalism tells us that it means we are converted to the Christian religion, but how could that be true, if this religion didn’t exist when Paul wrote this letter?

In today’s podcast and post we continue to follow Paul’s logic…All have sinned AND all are Justified in Christ. Paul’s Good News is that everyone is “technically been put in-Christ”, but not everyone considers themselves to be there.

Join me now as we learn why religion insists on condemnation when Paul claims we’re now done with that.

434-Rome 13: If God Justifies All, Why Even Try?

“If God has justified all people, then what’s the point of trying to live morally? Why not just let everyone do whatever they want?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series examining Paul’s letter to Rome, with a look at the pushback that his religious audience is giving. What is it about the Gospel that causes the religious mind to reject its inclusivity? Why doesn’t it make sense to some?

Join me now as we learn Paul’s framework for how this all plays out, and why so many prefer religion to the Gospel.

423-Rome 4-Relearning Judgment

“Is Judgment Day coming? Is there a looming threat of wrath for those who don’t pick the right religion?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series exploring Paul’s letter to Rome. I’ll deconstruct our common misunderstanding of wrath and judgment, and surgically replace it with Paul’s framework for everyone.

Join me now as we re-consider our lives within two planes of existence, and why seeking the higher plane allows us to reclaim our minds and heal our world.

421-Rome 2- Reformation Viagra

“Do you think every translation of the Bible is the same? If so, think again.

In today’s podcast and post I will establish the foundation upon which Paul’s letter will go out to the city of Rome. Just like Paul, I will do my best to bring the religious mind with us, so that all comers can hear the Good News he is so excited about.

Join me now as our Greek exposition unearths a trajectory that fundamentalism will always reject, but is necessary if we are to experience the freedom this letter proclaims.

414-Marriage Tune Up 2- Establish or Empty Oneself

“If I could show you how to avoid the pain of a bad relationship, would you actually consider my advice? Well, I can…but will you?

In today’s podcast and post we reach part 2 of our Marriage Tune Up with a comparison between two opposite philosophies about marriage. In one the focus is the development of self, the other is the death of self.

Join me now as we see why the real divorce rate is almost as high as the marriage rate, and I offer a five minute fix to every marriage that almost no one will try.

405-5-The Church of Self Denial

“When Jesus said: “I will build my church…” did he envision a comfortable place? Or a place to make people feel good about themselves? Or a place with a strict process for joining?

In today’s podcast and post we peel back another layer in our series where we examine Jesus blueprint for the Church, as we consider the biblical requirements for membership.

Join me now as we discover that joining Jesus’ true Church is less like a celebration or a ceremony, and more like a death.

400-Podcaster Realizes 400th Episode Not a Big Deal

“Is it a big deal that this podcast has reached its 400th episode?

In today’s podcast and post, I reflect on why I spent the last few weeks s in a funk and a quandary about this 400thpodcast. Thanks to the help of my audience and virtual community, I’m back to share with whoever may come, what makes this work so special.

Join me now as I riff about why this podcast remains unpopular and is only a big deal to a subset of our world.

388: 3-The Hell of Religion

“Does each religion have its own god? Is one religion better than another? Which God can beat up all the other gods?”

These questions are common in the minds of those who do not know the Bible. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series by examining the assumptions about Hell which fuel our competitive religions.

Join me now as we see beyond the claims that picking the right religion is the only way to God, and discover the only thing that has ever allowed any human to know anything about their Maker, and why religion hates it so much.

387- Part 2-The Hell we Don’t See

“Who gave you your definition of Hell? If it came from Institutional Religion, then it’s likely very different than the teachings of the bible.

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series as I reveal how Church history, fiction and Hollywood have created a version of Hell that is irresistible to economies of religion. By displacing Hell solely to another dimension after we die, Hell’s captivity keeps expanding through invisibility.

Join me now as I reveal the Hell Jesus taught about, and how that helps us see how our modern assumptions about Hell, are the most common forms of captivity in it.

381-Is Your Life FREE or Fake?

“How well do we really know ourselves? Why do you suppose our world is so focused on “identity” while it simultaneously divorces itself from God?”

In today’s podcast and post I will show how competitive religions can highjack our discovery of God and self, and why each insists that their way is the only true way.

Join me now as we discover how Christ following is subversive to institutional power, and why the message of the Bible reveals that salvation is not our over-identification with religion, but the self who is discovered by our liberation from it.