Tag Archives: gospel

309-5-What’s Under Your Foot

“What does it mean to have all things in subjection to someone? How would life be different if we were to see all things as essentially perfect?

Today we reach our fifth installment of our deep dive into the book of Hebrews where the author builds a case for why Jesus could be preeminent over the audience’s religious icon, Moses. He does this not to convert any to a new religion, but to liberate all people and all things from any religious framework based in retribution unto a new faith based in restoration.

Join me now as we see beyond our so called world full of meaningless suffering and get a glimpse of an emerging world where nothing meaningless can exist.

307-3- Rescuing a Clueless World

“Is our world too far gone to be rescued? Or are we witnessing the events of progress?

I know that this question has a polarizing effect on each of us and that is precisely the problem. Without realizing it our world has drifted away into religious tribal thinking. In today’s podcast and post we continue our look at the Book of Hebrews as the author lays the groundwork of rescue to a very religious audience.

Join me now as we see beyond our modern digital experience to reveal how the modern mind is actually a deeply religious mind and why the present state of the world cannot receive salvation or rescue.

Launch Your Life 3- Do I need to Change my Life

“How do we know when it’s time to change our life?”

If you are like most people, we only come to this conclusion when something in life goes horribly wrong or we are experiencing a significant amount of pain or discomfort. In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled: “Launch Your Life” and examine a completely new reason to make this change… one which is truly unexpected.

Join me now as we learn to see beyond the institutions in our life which have given us an identity, and learn why living under this “Fake ID” is all the evidence we need to prompt a change in our life’s course.

284-Part 6-The Death of Sin

“Have you ever felt as though you had two distinct parts: the good part and the bad part?

Realizing that all humanity shares both an amazing capacity for goodness as well as evil is not only a vital key of self-awareness and the means which allows us to treat other with more grace, but it is the unknown Easter story.

In today’s podcast and post, we conclude our series on sin by placing a verse in Revelations under the microscope. Not only will we see the pathogen of sin for what it is, but we discover that religion has withheld the best part of the story.

282-Part 4- The Stumbling Block of Justice

“Has religion ever produced superior people? Or just those who think they are?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our deep-dive course on the subterranean world of our sin as we look closely at how it is related to our misunderstanding of Justice. As a result, religion divides our world into sinners and saints.

Join me now as prove that retribution has been replaced with restoration, and why neither the religious nor the irreligious can handle this Good News.

263-Called Out 5: The Message

 “What is the message of the Church? If you answered; “The Gospel,” you’re right. But what is the Gospel?”

In today’s podcast and post we look closer at the message of the Church, the Gospel. Everyone has heard of it and most of us think we know what it is, but is there more to the message?

Join me now as we see beyond the common, evangelical understanding of the Gospel and look closer at how the Bible describes it. I think we’ll discover that our understanding of the Gospel is far too small.

256-The Hostile Mind

“Do you have a hostile mind or is it only “those people” who do?

In today’s podcast and post we take a look at the fastest growing religion in the world: Politics. We’ll explore why it has generated so much power, and ignites such hatred and division among us. Is there any hope for our world?

Join me now as we see beyond the quagmire of the political binary and explore how it’s possible for this dividing line of hostility to be eradicated, and how the world can be set free from its bondage to a hostile mind and healed through the power of love.

253-One World 10-Good News for the World

“Are you ready for some Good News?”

Our world seems like it’s disintegrating right before our eyes. It seems foolishness, suffering and evil are gaining ground. People are more divided than ever. Is it any wonder the “Good News” or Gospel taught by religion has been an evacuation strategy? In today’s podcast and post I will show you that the Good News is better than that?

Join me now as reveal how everything we’ve been taught to believe fits within a much bigger framework. Let’s switch to the wide-angle lens so we can see just how good the Good News actually is and then we’ll quickly realize why we can’t risk believing it.

251-One World 8-The Voice Beyond Everything

“What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “Christ?”

Whether our reaction is to cringe or draw closer, every one of us has a Christology. In today’s podcast and post, I’ll show that Christ is not Jesus’ last name and we’ll look at the implications of not understanding the cosmic role of “The Christ.”

Join me now, as we deconstruct some of our Christological assumptions and reveal a “religion-less”way of Christ following that allows us to see beyond everything.

250 One World 7-Christianity as Imperial Overreach

“How well do you know Christianity?”

In the West, the Institution of the Christian religion has been the most dominant system of faith, but has been losing it’s influence as people increasingly reject the traditions of their parents. In today’s podcast and post we’ll discover that not all people are rejecting the faith, but instead, they are abandoning the dark shadow of institutionalized religion. 

Join me now as we learn to see the voice that continues to call people out from the overreach of imperial religion and into a living faith which exists beyond everything.