403-3-Non Prevailing Gates

“What did Jesus mean when he said “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against his Church?”

Today we continue our series where we are deconstructing Church history and comparing it to Jesus’ blueprint for the Church. The contrast between the design and what we have today should cause believers to really question where they are placing their faith, but as you’ll see, the religious mind places tradition over liberation.

Join me now as we consider the implications upon our culture that have resulted from the church becoming institutionalized and losing its way.

402-2-Church Buildings…

“Why is nearly every church associated with a building, a staff, and all the aspects of a modern business? Where did we get the idea that believers are required to “go to church?”

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series where we deconstruct church history and go back to where Jesus said he would build his Church. Once we see the original blueprint, we may wonder how we got to where we are.

Join me now as I reveal Jesus’ own definition of the Church, and how we regain our Sunday mornings from institutional overreach.

401-Life’s TWO Questions Which Spark Spiritual Discovery

“I’m always saying Jesus didn’t start an alternative religion…so do you believe that’s true?”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a series where I will deconstruct Church history and take you back to where it all started. Then you can decide for yourself if my claim is actually true.

Join me now as we see beyond the propaganda of institutional religion and consider the first two questions which establish either religious captivity or freedom in God.

400-Podcaster Realizes 400th Episode Not a Big Deal

“Is it a big deal that this podcast has reached its 400th episode?

In today’s podcast and post, I reflect on why I spent the last few weeks s in a funk and a quandary about this 400thpodcast. Thanks to the help of my audience and virtual community, I’m back to share with whoever may come, what makes this work so special.

Join me now as I riff about why this podcast remains unpopular and is only a big deal to a subset of our world.

399-6-Out of Outer Darkness

“What do you think it means to be cast into Outer Darkness?

In today’s podcast and post we conclude our series entitled “A Course in Darkness” with a look at the parable of the Wedding Feast.  We’ll discover that Outer Darkness is a State of Being and the path out has nothing to do with religion.

Join me now as we see beyond our constant state of busyness, and how that relates to the depth dimension of our lives in outer darkness.

398-5-The Dark Night

“Have you ever heard of “The Dark Night of the Soul?” How do we know if we are in it?

Today we continue our series of “A Course in Darkness” with a look at The Dark Night of the Soul. The term itself makes us feel like we might understand what this experience is like, but as you’ll see, that is usually not the case.

Join me now as I try and describe the Dark Night and its true purpose, with the hope that if we ever find ourselves in its grasp, that we can embrace it and the transformation it brings.

397-4-Shadow and Image

“Do you know the difference between and image and a shadow?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series entitled; “A Course in Darkness” with an examination of the metaphors of an image and a shadow. Throughout human history, we have tried a million different things to free ourselves from our dark side, or our shadow yet nothing has ever worked.

Join me now as I explain why moralism, psychology, religion, and denial have no power over our shadow, and how we can be restored to an image.

396-3-The Purpose of Darkness

“What is the purpose of our human darkness and all the suffering that comes from it?

In today’s podcast and post, I continue in our series called “A Course in Darkness” where I will explore the purpose of our darkness. I’ll prove how a person who rejects God because of all the meaningless suffering in the world, is actually complicit to that suffering.

Join me now as we discover the purpose of darkness and how it reveals not only our state of weakness, but also our role in restoring the world with the light of God.

395-2-The Darkness of God

“Why has no religion nor spiritual pursuit in the history of humanity ever successfully eradicated humanity from our dark side?”

Think about it. How successful has your own spiritual process been? In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “A Course in Darkness” with an examination of God’s darkness.

Join me now as we see beyond our flimsy theologies, our tribal notions, and failed prayers, to gain a transformative perspective of the Darkness of God.

394- A Course in Darkness: Part 1

“How well do you think you perceive or understand ultimate reality?”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a new series entitled “A Course in Darkness.” Most of us would appraise ourselves as being fairly perceptive or as having good understanding, but how can we know for sure? 

Join me now as I open up a passage which offers a simple test of whether we live in the light or are deluding ourselves in darkness.