Author Archives: KevenWinder

About KevenWinder

I'm bi-vocational working in biotech and also serving as an online pastor, author, and un-coach. I'm an avid mountain biker and live in Colorado.

421-Rome 2- Reformation Viagra

“Do you think every translation of the Bible is the same? If so, think again.

In today’s podcast and post I will establish the foundation upon which Paul’s letter will go out to the city of Rome. Just like Paul, I will do my best to bring the religious mind with us, so that all comers can hear the Good News he is so excited about.

Join me now as our Greek exposition unearths a trajectory that fundamentalism will always reject, but is necessary if we are to experience the freedom this letter proclaims.

420- Rome 1- Freedom from Fundamentalism

“How well do you understand the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans? If you are like most people, the answer is; “Not too well.”

In today’s podcast and post we begin a new series examining the book of Romans. While this may seem like a daunting task, laden with layers of theological complexity, that assumption only means we have bought into fundamentalism’s propaganda.

Join me now as we rediscover Romans without two thousand years of Church history spackled on top of it. We’ll learn that this letter was intended to get “everyone” out of religion, not  lock us into one.

419-One Hundred Nineteen-Beth

“What exactly is the Word of God?” Preachers tell us it’s a really old book, but how could it have been such a book, to the authors who wrote about it?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series “Psalms Greatest Hits” with a look at “Beth”, which is the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet and also the title of the next eight verses of Psalm 119.

Join me now as we slow down, and learn that the Word of God is not a cosmic rule book, but the gift of seeing which must be perceived and practiced within each moment, if it is to be applied for our freedom.

418-Marriage Tune Up 6- Divorce

“The modern culture has a divorce rate approaching 50%, but did you know that of all the religions, Christians have the lowest divorce rates with protestants at 18%? 

In today’s podcast and post we finish our series entitled a Marriage tune up with a look at our options for divorce. I’ll discuss the four main options and why the Bible provides an exit and doesn’t consign people to bad marriages.

Join me now as we see beyond both cultural and religious positions and discover why the high view of love frees us into our marriages and sometime out of them.

417- Marriage Tune-Up 5: The Sex Talk

“Do you think the world’s current understanding of sex is helping us or hurting us? Has religion been any better for us?

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our Marriage Tune up with a discussion on sex and I offer ten perspectives that will reframe how we understand it from within the law of love.

Join me now as we see beyond our confusion about sex, and I offer the single greatest path to sexual freedom and expression that eludes nearly all of us.

416-Marriage Tune Up 4: Healing Relationship Cancers

“If I offered a counterintuitive solution to solve every problem in your marriage, would you begin applying it today? When you hear what it is, you may change your mind.

In today’s podcast and post, we continue our series entitled “Marriage Tune Up” with a metaphor of cancer in our bodies, and how such a small change can completely take us over. 

Join me now as we see beyond our world’s elaborate solutions to our big problems, and consider the how true love transforms marital strife.

415-Marriage Tune Up 3- The Good Marriage

“Do you know the difference between a good marriage and a great marriage? Does excitement in relationships fade over time?

In today’s podcast and post we continue our series entitled “Marriage Tune Up” with a look at so called good marriages. I’ll challenge the world’s understanding of love along with psychology’s strategy for healthy relationships.

Join me now as we see beyond everything and discover the most unconventional, risky strategy that will turn a good marriage into a great one.

414-Marriage Tune Up 2- Establish or Empty Oneself

“If I could show you how to avoid the pain of a bad relationship, would you actually consider my advice? Well, I can…but will you?

In today’s podcast and post we reach part 2 of our Marriage Tune Up with a comparison between two opposite philosophies about marriage. In one the focus is the development of self, the other is the death of self.

Join me now as we see why the real divorce rate is almost as high as the marriage rate, and I offer a five minute fix to every marriage that almost no one will try.

413-Marriage Tune Up 1- The Living Divorce

“If you were to grade your marriage, would you give it a ten out of ten? If not, what are your assumptions about why it’s not better than it is?

In today’s podcast and post we start our New Year with a new series that will transform our marriages. Whether you are considering marriage, new to marriage, or have been married a long time, this series is one you’ll want to share with others.

Join me now as we explore whether we are experiencing a marriage or if we are a living a divorce.

412-The Advent of Unbelief

“Have you ever had a question or doubt about your religion or its view on the world? Have you ever felt oppressed or hurt by your system of faith?

In today’s podcast and post we conclude the second half of our Advent series by discussing how Christ appears to us through what religion calls…unbelief

Join me now as we see beyond the manipulative power plays that religion hoists upon us and explore how the Gospel never puts us into religion, and instead, the advent of Christ becomes that voice which leads us out.